Friday, February 21, 2025

Coop Complete!

 Earlier this week we finally finished the chicken compound.

We started working on it before Christmas. I don't even want to think how much time DH put into this

I helped DH make the nesting boxes out of plywood we had sitting around...which means he did 99% of the work

Then it was on to the roost.      


 Everything is perfectly level and square and the chickens and guineas had better appreciate the attention to detail. 😄 


And yes, that is my dough scraper shoveling out the sawdust after DH beveled the edges of the nesting boxes. 😂 We are 'think outside of the box' workers.

While DH was off for a few days checking our cows, I sealed everything in the coop with Linseed oil

After a few days, it dried and the chickens and guineas were introduced to their new home (the chickens were outside)

I think they like it though because the first morning I had eggs! 

DH has begun to demolish the old coop. 

Doc built it in one of the horse stalls which worked well for them, but we wanted to reclaim the stalls for horses.  The skid steer has been doing a lot of heavy lifting lately

When we talked about building a chicken coop /yard, we never dreamed it would be such a big project. DH did such a nice job. 


It's perfect for our little flock and in a few weeks it will be time for new baby chicks!


Gretchen Weaver said...

This is a good time to have your own laying hens, the price of eggs just keeps going up and up!

Theona said...

Those are some pretty spoiled chickens-G did an amazing job! They even have a room with a view. May your egg supply never end. :)

Donna said...

What a beautiful chicken coop and you even have a nice window! Eggs were 5.99 a dozen at Aldi yesterday! Your hens could make you a small fortune!☺️

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on the new coop, I have been following its progress with great interest. Your husband's work ethic reminds me of my grandpa, everything he made was constructed for the ages. Your's is a far cry from the ramshackle coop I remember on the farm growing up (for which Grandpa was not responsible!). I don't recall predators getting any chickens, surprisingly. Where we live now there are no chickens but plenty of foxes and raccoons.



Oh my--what a talented man you have there--you both build a new coop that wins a blue ribbon!!! Glad the chicks like it and I can't wait for photos of new baby chicks--hint!!!
hugs, di

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

its a fancy coop!! Love it!!!

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