Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Isn't Easter Supposed to Be in Spring?

We have been having these incredibly warm days that make me itch to get my hands into the dirt and plant things. The trees are just beginning to leaf out and I see tiny blades of grass peeking out of the ground. The mesquite is still enjoying its winter slumber though and I have yet to see a buzzard. That usually signifies the official beginning of spring around here.

Yesterday we were temporarily thrown back into winter. The temperature never passed 40 degrees and it was awfully chilly hunting eggs in the 32 degree, misty morning! DH is an expert egg hider and DD still likes to hunt for eggs so DH makes it challenging. 18 eggs were hidden in a couple acres of pasture. It's a family affair and there is no age limit. Colorful eggs in brown grass. Easy?
Not. But this year we had help. Help of the 4-legged variety:

DD's dog is a hound. A beagle, to be exact, and on Sunday he made himself useful ~ kind of. Tucker and our cow dog, Sam, found the majority of the eggs. Tucker ended up eating a few of them ~ shell and all.

Not much phases this canine. We should have named him Hoover since he sucks up anything in his path. Slobbery egg anyone?

And this is what happens when you've eaten one too many:

A few managed to make it to an actual basket:

I tried to snap one photo with DH, DS and DD. Not an easy task, I assure you, and DH is the one causing all the trouble!

Sometimes he gets that little rascal gleam in his eyes and you know you're in for it!

I love that he still has a bit of a little kid hidden beneath that hard working exterior.

Notice the gloves in this shot:

Roping gloves to be exact. It was pretty cold and it took us an hour and a half to find 18 eggs. I have to laugh when I look at these pictures. They are not your typical Easter pictures. No white shoes and frills around these parts. In fact I didn't even notice the huge stains on DS's jacket until I uploaded the pictures. When I asked him what they were, he said, "Oil". Sigh. This is my life folks and I love it. These pictures make me happy and very thankful...

Thankful for this family.

Thankful for an empty tomb.

Thankful for the gift of His resurrection.

Thankful for the true meaning of Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I did see a buzzard the other day. I think he was a scout, wanting to see what the weather was doing. Missed ya last night.
    Have a great day.
