Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hebbert Family Christmas - 2009

Good Gravy, the year has been here and gone - doesn’t seem possible, yet here
The baking has started, the lights are all strung, and the carols are filling the air.
Our box at the end of the dirt road is filling fast with holiday greetings we love so much
It’s a treat to hear from each of you; thanks for keeping in touch.

We were blessed with good snow on the first of December and we couldn’t resist going out
First thing at daylight I was out snapping photos, it’s something I’m crazy about.

The ducks in the tank looked awfully cold, enjoying the little dirt lake
The magic of snow just makes my heart glad, Christmas spirit in each falling flake.

This year brought great sadness as I lost my Dad and the world simply tilted I fear
And although I’m devastated and we’re all saying “he’s gone”, God is celebrating and proclaiming, “He’s here”!

Changes seemed to mark 2009, as Tyler graduated and began college this fall
I’m adapting better than I expected, but miss that kid and looks forward to each and every call.

Caitlin at 16 has started taking college classes, earning dual credit – college is headed her way
She’s 4-H president, still plays the piano and her love for horses is still a priority these days.

Gary stays busy with cattle and horses and he shoots at the range when he can
He brought home a big deer, loves working with colts – he’s never still and always has a project on hand.

As for me, I’m getting a taste of that empty nest - seems our homeschooling days are about to end
Not liking it, not in the least, but it’s been a blessing and new adventures lie just around the bend.

As for now I’m enjoying the quilting and scrapping and wondering what God has in store
For soon it’ll be quiet, school books packed away and no children to teach anymore.

I’m sure I’ll be drafted to fill in the gaps, as the kids have helped so much through the years
We wouldn’t change a single thing, loving this lifestyle through laughter and tears.

They say ‘count your blessings’, well that’s hard to do; don’t think I can count that high
We’re drinking from our saucer, giving thanks to the Lord, and knowing He is always close by.

So for now we’re enjoying our time with the kids and celebrating the new roads ahead for all
May your Christmas be blessed and the New Year be bright and may Christ be the center of it all.


  1. I really hope to meet y'all through 4H sometime, your daughter sounds like my clone. Where is she taking online classes from? We have been talking about dual-credit for a while; weighing pro's and con's...

  2. Merry Christmas, Friend. Blessings to you and your family!

