Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where did August Go?

Wow. It's been a crazy month. I'm fairly certain that August took place, but it's all been a blur to me. Contrary to popular belief, I have NOT been sitting on my laurels either. What the heck are laurels anyway? Well, either way, I haven't been sitting on them.

I spent about 10 days in San Antonio with my mom and caught up on all the business paperwork and such as well as just spending some good quality time with her. Its hard to believe that Daddy's been gone a whole year. Mom wanted to stay busy on that particular day and all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner, but stay busy we did because I wanted to make it as easy as possible for her. It was a tough day.

My dear, sweet, hubby flew down on Monday and helped tend to lots of things to help Mom. He was at Home Depot less than an hour after he landed and built some spiffy railings along the stairs that lead off the deck along with tending to a bunch of other honey-do's. We didn't ask him to do any of this, it was all his idea and at this point in my post I could very easily move into bragging nonstop about this fabulous guy, but I won't. Suffice it to say, I am blessed... and thankful.

We drove back home together on Thursday and on Friday morning we were back in the truck at 4:30. Yes, we have taken leave of our senses, but then again, that shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone.

Our wonderful friends, who once upon a time, lived at North Camp, have moved back into the area. Yeah...Yippee...and two thumbs up! So we headed out to help them move in. Alas, I should have known. C is so much like my DH. They got to their new place late on Thursday night about 2 hours after we passed by and unloaded just about everything. DH got to help with 3 items. They are just so much alike that its scary. So we just got to enjoy a good visit and a dozen Krispy Creme Donuts that we brought back from the big city.

Since then, we've been revving up for a crazy Fall. Speaking of Fall - it can get here anytime now. Not that it needs my permission or anything, just putting in my 2 cents.

We had Antelope hunters here this past weekend. Most of them were from New York and New Jersey and I am always amused by their accents. They probably wonder why the crazy lady is always grinning at them. Alas, I couldn't scare them too badly - they keep coming back each year. They're awfully nice guys so I won't hold it against them that they're Yankees. I'm pretty sure that they don't hold it against us that we're hicks either.

Now we're heading into our shipping season and I'm in the planning stages. We'll work 10 days and just thinking about it is making me tired. 10 days of cooking for the crew will wear me out, but yet, I look forward to it every year. So here's a call for any and all recipes that will make a cowboy sing. I've collected a stash of tried and true recipes through the years, but I sure could use a few new ones to add some variety.

In August we also sent DS back to his place of Higher Learning. More change. Ugh. Miss that kid, but pray that he has a successful semester. Loved having him home this summer and with the exception of him adjusting to ranch hours versus college hours, it was a good summer.

DD is starting her senior year and taking Physics, Chemistry, her last Algebra, and American Lit. She swears that Physics is evil and I just might have to agree with her. She's also studying for her ACT test and before I left for San Antonio, we made a trip to visit the college she's hoping to attend. We made a trip across state lines to the fabulous land that is Texas.

Sorry. Once Texas gal, always a Texas gal!

We were headed to Canyon to look at the college DD is interested in attending. DH was slated to join us, but he was hit with some unknown, but horrible, icky bug that knocked him on his keester and it takes a lot to put him out of commission. So with a promise that we'd take him on a tour when we headed back that direction in November, the 2 of us set out to conquer the day. Its been a rough summer with DD away. We missed her like crazy so it was REALLY nice to spend the day together and even though we left the house at 4:30 in the morning, we had a fabulous day!

Loved the campus and had a fun tour with the student who showed us around before meeting with the Pre-Vet department head. He gave DD the "Fear of God before entering Vet School" speech. It gave her a lot to think and pray about and we'll see if God wants her to pursue that or turn her another direction. but she's motivated and excited for what lies ahead!

Even though I'll be a complete mess when she leaves next fall, I'm excited for her too. While we were discussing her leaving, I got a bit teary eyed and she teased me about it. I told her we should just change the subject and she laughed, "Mama! We're on our way to look at a college and you want to change the subject?!" What can I say?

Ok - well that kind of catches ya'll up on life at the end of the dirt road. I'll be back tomorrow with a sewing update. Off to whip something up for dinner...


  1. What a fun post! I can't seem to find time to sew these days, it's making me crazy... I love it when my husband voluntarily does honey-do's--so lovely to not have to ask or beg. :-) The bit about the antelope hunters cracked me up. :-) Also... I request that I be allowed to come help on those 10 days of cooking madness. That sounds fun, but I am a glutton for punishment that way. :-) I feel unworthy to share recipes with you, haha! But my refried beans recipe cooks up awesome for a crowd, if you don't have a recipe like that yet.

  2. Karin

    Tell DD not to let those Vet teachers scare her off. One of my dear friends is a female vet. She loves it and is a very successful vet! Large animal too... I remember well the day she came into the library all excited because she had done her first AI--capturing the semen and depositing it as well... Remember, vet medicine in our area of the world is still a male dominated field---and some men just don't think delicate women should be a vet.
