Saturday, October 30, 2010

Candy Bar Sliders

Here's a quick little project I made for the 3 little tykes of some friends. I loved doing things like this for my kids and their friends when they were small. Then they went and grew up on me.

Just pull the little ribbon on top and the chocolate appears:

Come to think of it, I don't think kids ever outgrow chocolate!
I originally saw these somewhere on the Internet a few years ago as hot chocolate sliders and I made some last year for smaill gifts that we added to the goody plates for friends. I think they would also be cute with a packet of chicken soup for a friend who is not feeling well.

I just used scraps from my scrapbooking stash. Seems its the only time I pull that stuff out anymore. Quilting seems to have taken over every spare minute I have.

Hope everyone's enjoying their fall! We're heading to the kitchen to make caramel apples! Yum!


  1. How cute! and...How fun to get out some scrappy stuff. Mine is packed away...we have our house for sale so clutter had to be boxed up!

  2. Sending more house selling prayers your way and hoping you're in your new home before Santa makes his visit!
