Monday, January 31, 2011

Zoom Zoom

Whew! Is anyone else feeling like 2011 is spinning at NASCAR speed? We have a pretty laid back lifestyle. I mean, we're always busy and ranch work is 24/7 around here, but I never feel as if we're in the rat race. We don't have a time card to punch and rush hour traffic is only prevalent when the cattle mosey across the same road you're driving on. No one is ever bored out here. If you even think about being bored, you can bet you will be handed a job.

 However, the first month of the new year has been insane. We attended 2 weddings, one in Texas. I spent 8 days in San Antonio spending time with my Mom and helping her with the business and personal taxes and catching up on the business accounting. I stuck my nose in a quilt shop and the rest of me followed, but I have no idea why I came home with more fabric since it's been a coon's age since I found time to sew. Spent one long night in the ER with DH while he dealt with what we think was a kidney stone - ouch. Took time out to have lunch with 2 dear friends, but then scooted off to a town south of us to pick up DH's newly soled boots from the boot shop. Had a birthday. Circumnavigated the world of FAFSA and scholarship applications as well as completed DD's High School transcript. It looks quite official if I do say so myself. I'm beat.

Now I'm helping a friend plan a baby shower (7 babies are expected this far!) and ugh...taxes are beginning to nudge me towards the filing cabinet.

So who has time to sew?!

We are expecting an honest to goodness cold front with snow tonight and lows hovering at 0° for a few days so I'm going to take that as a sign to hunker down over my sewing machine and dive into some serious piecing. After all, can't let all of those precious babies come into the world without quilts!


  1. well, your storm moved to my country and now it's snowin and blowin like crazy and C*O*L*D! Happy sewing to you...I wish I were going to be scrapbooking while snowed in. Oh well...
    Take care!

  2. Soooooo Cold this morning!!! I am typing with feet propped up on the wood stove and hot coffee nearby.


  3. Feeling for you as I sit with the windows open to a balmy 78 degrees! If I waited for the cold weather to force me to sew I'd only sew about 7 days out of the year! lol

  4. Wow! When did you even find time to sleep?? Hope February is a little calmer for you.
    Are you going to show off your new fabric soon? I hope so! Which San Antonio shops did you hit?

  5. A special thanks for all the books....they will come in handy today for sure! Happy sewing!
