This passion for quilting has left me asking 'how can I help'? I want to become more involved in community service and I've been praying for ways to do that. I want God to use this passion for His purpose and I'm beginning to see those doors of opportunity swing open.
This morning, while I was catching up with blog buddies, I found this post from Debi and I jumped at the chance to get my feet wet. Thanks Debi! I've been thinking about joining in with this organization for some time, even before our son decided to join the Marines, and this is a way I can be involved.
Just One Star
This is a challenge from Moda called Just One Star can comfort a soldier. "The Moda challenge is to piece, quilt and bind 100 quilts in 100 days using the Flag of Valor pattern by Minick and Simpson." Moda needs 1800 star blocks to reach this goal. The deadline for star blocks is May 1, 2011 so that they can meet their quilt deadline by Flag Day, June 14, 2011. You send completed blocks to Moda at the address in the link.
There is a tutorial/pattern for stars here. I hope you'll consider joining in! If you are close to me and don't want to mail them, I will gather them and send them off. Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for posting this! I hadn't heard about it yet, and am glad to contribute.