Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Day Has Arrived

As much as we have all looked forward to this day...and as much as we have dreaded this has arrived. We packed up DD Tuesday night and headed to her chosen place of higher education. Neither she nor I are shoppers, but somehow we managed to compile quite a collection of dorm necessities. Her room at home looks bare after looking at the growing pile of odds and ends these past few months. But we set out to make a barren dorm room into a little piece of home away from home.

She wanted to fill a frame with pictures of her and her brother through the years and it was really fun to flip through the years of photos. I love that she wanted to do that! She thinks they were really cute little kids and who am I to disagree? :)

Some of her friends who were also headed off to college asked her what colors she chose to coordinate her room. Her quilt kind of set the tone so I guess you could call her style 'scrappy'. It fits. You can't put this kid into a box. She's a little of this and a little of that with a bit of sass (the good kind) and a lot of faith thrown in for good measure. It's the perfect combination.

Just last week we had to send our son back off to Camp Pendleton and as proud as we are of him, it was really hard on his old Mama. He arrived in San Diego before I arrived back home. Pulling over on the side of road to cry my eyes out might have had something to do with that. I was pretty sure I didn't have any tears left, but I was wrong. It's been a rough week for this Mama.


  1. Oh Karin...
    I am praying for you as you begin this new normal. I am already dreading my boys leaving home, but yet excited! LOL

    Too bad you are so far away...we could do some serious scrappin in my new scrapbook room...I could have at least 10 people down there!!
    Take care.

  2. Hugs for you Karin. I think we need to go spend some time in her scrapbook room, or in my sewing room. We could do some major productive work to keep our minds busy.

  3. That is a mama's story. Just wanted to say I voted for your quilt....great job.

  4. Karin--
    Oh, I feel for you! It wasn't long ago we went through all this and it still burns!

  5. I´ll send a BIG hug towards you! I hope you will be fine again very soon and try to keep yourself busy.

  6. Oh Karin, those kids are so lucky to have parents like you... It will get easier....xxxxxx

  7. Hi Karin,
    How are you doing? I can so relate to that empty feeling of the empty nest.One of the hardest times for me was the time leading up to the inevitable leaving. A wise person said to me that a good way to part is to say I'll see you again. We are coming to accept that we are on a new journey as a couple and feel fortunate that we have each other. Your daughter's quilt is lovely and I know that she will feel your love each time she wraps herself in it.
    This weekend it is a month since our son and his girl left. We talk often and we do miss his presence. Still there are some nice things that have happened. He calls and we really talk because that is the way we can be connected. I can see him growing up before our very eyes. We are proud of him- just like you are of your children. It is of comfort to know that we have raised a responsible caring young person capable of entering this new adventure. Sending you warm thoughts and good wishes,
