Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Scrappy Yo-Yo Pup

Today is DD's last day at home before she flies the coop. Sad day. Happy day. Emotional day. Gosh we're gonna miss this kid, but we're so excited for her and she's looking forward to the adventures that lie ahead.

The fact that her brother just flew back to Camp Pendleton for more training last week doesn't help matters either. If you happened to be driving between Albuquerque and Roswell last Tuesday morning and passed a truck sitting on the side of the road with a sobbing Mama, that was me. Thankfully, I had my headset and had a good, long visit with my old college roommate once I stopped hyperventilating. Thanks for keeping me company N!

 Letting both kids go at once has been rough, but if I focus on that for more than 2 seconds, I'm going to be a mess and I don't think my keyboard is waterproof. Breathe...breathe...breathe.

I dug out this pattern a while ago:

and DD requested a pup to take along to college so last month we began to make yo-yo's. She went through my stash and chose bright, fun fabrics. DD really has no interest in learning to sew, but I've not given up hope. I too had no interest until we had DS. Never even took home ec in school because Ag and shop were more to my liking. I can only imagine how God was grinning at the time.

One tip, if you commence to making this little fella. We used fishing line to string his little yo-yo appendages. The pattern calls for upholstery thread, but when you live at the end of a dirt road, fishing line is on hand more readily than upholstery thread.

However, DD did enjoy making the yo-yo's and I love the fact that the finished product was a group effort.

Introducing Scrappy:

His little nose is a bit off center, but I figure it adds a bit of character and I hope he'll make DD smile whenever she looks at him.

I'm linking up to Karen's  

post here. Go check out the fun and inspiring projects people share each week.


  1. What a fun project to work on with your girl!
    My DD arrives on Sunday and is staying for a month. Wondering what kind of sewing room messes we can make!

  2. I want one!! That is sooo cute!

  3. Love your little pup- such a cute design- I can so relate to having your child gone. Our son and girlfriend have moved to the east coast and we live in Western Alberta so its about 4000 miles to PEI. He is going to school there and his girlfriend is an east coast girl. It was one sad day when we put them on the plane. Like you, we know that our son is beginning a new adventure but for us, he will always be our baby. I didn't think I could cry so many tears. However we are three weeks gone and we are beginning to settle into new routines. I am a kindergarten teacher so life is about to get very busy for me.

  4. Oh that is just so cute. I am thinking Tadpole and Shortcake need one real bad.


  5. Oh Karin I do feel for you.. I was lucky enough that my daughter met a boy from around here and so chose to go to Uni here instead of miles and miles away.. I was also so lucky that she has always been home sick for that helped the decision too!! She will be home before you know it.. I love the puppy that you both made.. how very special..xxx

  6. Scrappy is sooo cute! He inspires me to make my yoyo monkey

  7. This pup is just too cute! No vet bills either. lol

  8. I love the bright colours!
