Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fires, Kidney Stones, and Dragging Out the Hexies

We recently hired a new family. They have two sweet kids and I thought it would be nice to put together a little gift basket:

The wife is a scrapbooker and we have the most unbelievable scrapbook store in town so I added a small gift card for her. I also took them some pizza and there are odds and ends in the basket, including a big container of homemade cookies.

Last week was crazy. My in-laws were evacuated due to a big fire that is still burning. The fire burned over 200 homes thus far. My MIL came down on Saturday with the horses and then my FIL decided to stay. Stubborn. MY poor MIL had had quite a week, She had a root canal earlier that week and the next day she ended up in the ER with kidney stones. They sent her home and she ended up in there again. Then they had the fire and were evacuated. Rough week. While she was here, we got her in to see a urologist and turns out she had a 7.5 mm stone so he scheduled her for surgery. Poor thing. So we spent many a hour in waiting rooms. I had the sense to grab my neglected box of hexies  to keep myself occupied  from climbing the walls. I can not just sit. I must do something so I stitched. Made the hours much easier to handle. And lest you think I am insensitive, my MIL was not in any pain while she was with me for 4 days. So that is how 52 hexies came to be:

And were added to my collection:

And some were stitched into the beginning of this:

No pictures of the fire because my FIL has never taken a picture in his life. No pictures of doctor's offices and hospitals because I thought that might be going a bit overboard. So hexies you get.

Everything went well with my MIL. She did not have to stay in the hospital overnight and my FIL came and picked her up. They lifted the evacuation order that evening and she was able to go back home. The fire burned less than a mile from their home and it is still burning, but they are safe. Thankfully, no lives were lost, but prayers for all of those who did lose their homes here and in Colorado. DH's aunt and uncle were evacuated from the Colorado fire the same day my in-law's were and they still are not able to go home.


  1. When life hands you fire and kidney stones, make hexies. That seems perfectly normal to me. Several years ago my husband had a major surgery and I crocheted four hats while waiting. I might have lost my mind otherwise as a two hours surgery doubled in length and noone would tell my anything. It all turned out OK and I survived, too, thanks to those hats.

  2. Gosto muito de você.Sou viciada em hexágonos e sei o quanto se distrai enquanto fazemos.Sempre digo assim: Se a vida me der um limã nunca vou fazer uma limonada ,e sim uma sobremesa de maracujá.Vi nos noticiários sobre o fogo,e peço sempre a DEUS para que proteja as pessoas.Tenho pânico de água também,no começo do ano passado foi uma grande tragédia na minha região(SERRANA DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO)19 primos perderam tudo,desde casas e carros e tudo que é material,Graças por isso não ouve mortes em minha família.Mas muitos amigos tiveram perdas de ente queridos.DEUS te abençoe e proteja e a toda sua família e amigos,e a todos nós.Beijo.

  3. Wow, what a week! The hexies look wonderful!! Praying all is well with you IL's!! We have friends who live in Ft. Collins, so understand the danger there! Praying for all your family!!

    Blessings, Sweet Sister!

  4. Who would possibly even think to consider you insenstive Karin? Really! I have been loving following along with your adventures, well done on lugging all those concrete bags!

  5. I confess, I don't sit well either. I always have something ready to grab to take on a moments notice. For me, it's typically hexies or punch needle...or both :) My son just took wild land fire classes and is waiting to be called out for a fire. I'm a bit of a nervous mom over that.

  6. Oh wow - thats indeed a rough week. My thoughts and prayers are send towards your inlaws.

    It always helps to keep the and busy while waiting in the ER or doctors office. Great hexies you got there.

  7. Wow that was some week never to be repeated again I hope! I'm with you always take a book or stitching when there is waiting to be done:) Glad everything turned out fine.

  8. Oh gosh - you have been crazy busy! I am so glad that your MIL and FIL are safe, and your poor MIL - what a week. Give her a hug for me....

    Thank you for no pics of the hospital - I much prefer the pics your shared ;-)

  9. Your poor inlaws! They really did have a terrible week! I hope MIL is doing well again.

    Hexies are so pretty, and that is an amazing pile of them!
