Friday, August 10, 2012

A Constellation of Stars!

The stars at night sunset are big and bright

...and flying in the sky:

This is what greeted me when I attempted to snap a few photos of my SJS flimsy this evening. Welcome to NM:

So I just changed sides. Presenting the Scrap Jar Star finished flimsy!  Do you like my design wall? It's called making due. Grin. It is plastered to the side of the coop. I am over the moon with these pretty blocks! I am still contemplating my borders and I'm leaning towards a scrappy one. I have a confession to make though.

There has been a casualty among my stars. I was SO excited when the blocks were finished that I rushed to square them up. I was multi-tasking as well which is NEVER a good thing to be doing when squaring up blocks! Alas, my points were sheared!

 LOL. I had to laugh because my first inclination was to cry. My heart actually skipped a beat. You know what though - I am determined to love this quilt despite it's stubby little points. It will be my reminder that only God is perfect. Apparently I needed a whole quilt filled with reminders! :) 

I'm thinking that I need to re-evaluate my 1/4" seam allowance since I changed to Aurifil thread. It is so much thinner that I think it really made a difference across the block and I think I need to change the setting on my machine. A committee was assembled to assess the situation:

And a second opinion was requested:

A detailed inspection was made by Carol, the resident quilt expert:

And all points of view were considered. My chickens have very definite opinions:

 Here's Carol with a bit of a frown on her face. I think she is scolding me. She's disappointed that there is not one chicken in the entire quilt:

 But after I promised to pay closer attention to detail next time, I was given a rousing approval and much squawking and feather ruffling took place:

I am still in search of a backing as well. I had some ordered, but I received a phone call yesterday to let me know that they didn't have any so the hunt continues. I wish I had something in my stash.

In the meantime, I will decide on a border and wait for a backing to appear...preferably on clearance! :)

Now hop on over to Staci's corner and be prepared to be amazed! You can rest assured that hers actually have points! :) Stitching with her has been so much fun! Have you seen her giant Halloween SJS block? It is just the neatest thing! She's her stars! 

Stay tuned...I've not had my fill of stars yet! However, our darling Girl has been ever so patient while I went off on a tangent with these stars and I still owe her a Gypsy quilt!


  1. Okay, okay, okay I'm hooked and good, gotta make me a star quilt!!! This is absolutely gorgeous!! I even like the RWB but I know I don't have enough of those colors unless I make it with homespun plaids - what do you think - do you plaids would work? Okay, what size is the block? I can figure the pieces if I know the size of the block!! Can't start it until next week though!! LOL!!!! Carol is hilarious - glad I'm not the only one that names everything - but alas I have two kittens at my door that are not named! Sigh - any suggestions?


    So glad you had the committee to help you out! And really, if you hadn't pointed it out, no one would even notice that you lost the very tippy tips of your points.

    And hey, my philosophy is that if someone ever comments about things like that, you look them straight in the eyes and say, "Yes, I did that on purpose. It was a DESIGN CHOICE". Shuts them up every time!!

  3. It is out of this world! Beautiful!

  4. Lovely quilt and a delightful post.

  5. Very beautiful! Looks like in the end your chickens approve too. I can't wait to see what you decide on for the border.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  6. "DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS", Now I'm going have that song running through my mind all day as I try to remember the rest of the words or just make up new ones, LOL!!! Love the chicken wire shadowing through the fabric!!! I thought you had made a block with new fabric at first. And then the chicken committee conference along with the feline inspector, too funny hahahahaha!!! Pointless or not your quilt looks GREAT!! And Staci's halloween top is fun too!!made me think about a mini star halloween runner. hmmmm!

  7. It's beautiful! I kept looking at the pic and then the phrase "my points were sheared" - that's not sheared, that's the teeniest little clip! NO ONE BUT YOU will notice, cross my heart. Quilt it up and love it, it's definitely worthy.

  8. Beautiful!! I'm adding this to my "do this" list. Thanks

  9. OH MY, I *love* it! (also love the design wall, perfect!) One of these days I'll get around to making one of these, it's just not in the cards right now unfortunately. Too much to do to get Jacob off to college again!

  10. WOW WOW WOW!!! Just too much wonderfulness! And is that "MY"chicken??? She has impeccable taste so she must me mine- LOL! Do not worry about the points - some of mine are pointier than others and no one is going to notice as they are bowled over by so much wonderfulness!

  11. I'm with the chickens I love it!! Who cares about the star points you don't need them anymore than we need gray hair, extra weight, and gas LOL

  12. Love that star scrap jar quilt. That's the most unique back drop I've ever seen! Points aren't always good, some stick. Finishing up the top of my Gypsy quilt. Everyone wants it! What a dilemma!

  13. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it, Karin. Bet you're surprised. LOL

    Who said stars have to have sharp points? Who said that? Where is that rule? here's what I think :-pppppppp

    BTW, deep in the heart of Texas. ;-)

  14. The top is soooooo BEAUTIFUL - I love it!

    Great post and pics!

  15. Oh Oh OH I love it!! Stubby points and all!!! Can;t wait to see your borders!!!

  16. A very fun blogpost to are so creative!
