Saturday, September 29, 2012

Crazy Chickens!

So I've been lamenting the fact that my chickens haven't been laying any eggs. I kept counting and I was sure they ought to be laying about now. I told them they needed to be laying by the time our boy got back home. I kept peeking expectantly into the nesting boxes lined with fresh hay, but all I found was odd sticks and feathers and the occasional watermelon rind. I thought, "Why would those crazy chickens be packing things into their nesting boxes?" DH laughed at me and said, you've got a rodent shacking up with your chickens. So tonight he's going to set up his game camera and see if he can catch the offending tenant.

 The neighbors were over yesterday evening to settle on hay we've had delivered and Cotton Picker and I went out to chore. Yesterday afternoon we had just under an inch of rain so we got to chore in the mud! WooHoo! I cannot tell you how desperate we are for rain. Praising God for every drop.

We walk into the chicken yard and I just happen to walk into a corner and what do I see?

Yep. Right there in an abandoned waterer...10 eggs. 10 beautiful, nice sized eggs...that I cannot keep. Who knows how long they've been sitting there. :( I know I can test them in a bowl of water, but I'm leery of them just sitting out there. It doesn't look like a very comfortable place to squeeze into, but I've never laid an egg so who am I to say?

I don't know if they all came from one hen or if they're all getting in on the action. So who's the guilty rascal who thinks it's fun to hide the eggs?

Is it you, Greta?

These two look like they're concocting a plan:

Personally, I think Carol's the instigator.

 She's always got something up her sleeve...well, if she had sleeves.


  1. Critters can be interesting. I hope you don't have to go on a scavenger hunt for future eggs.

  2. I think Carol is leading Greta astray. Greta was such a sweet girl until she started hanging around with Carol. It's the talk of the coop. I'm just saying! LOL

  3. I'm so glad to see that my chickens aren't the only ones who think it's funny to play tricks on their keeper! I'm with you . . that does not seem like a great place to lay eggs . . especially when there's a nice soft laying box provided. Mention chicken stew or gumbo to them and they might do better!

  4. Thats hysterical! I can't imagine what would make a chicken lay there. Good thing she didn't go broody on them...that would be a sight. One if my guineas has gone broody on her imaginary eggs. Seriously, there are no eggs, but she's all puffed up on that nest like a good mommy. Silly birds.

  5. ROFL!! Of course, Carol is behind this subterfuge.... she testing your patience. Really why would any hen, must less several hens think that this was a comfy place to lay an egg? But then when you have the brain the size of a walnut you don't get to think many really smart thoughts, do you? Hope they find the nesting boxes soon!

  6. Don't ya just love the chickens? I love seeing the grandkid's chickens. They find nest around too because there's are loose in the yard. They raise a few Labs so sometimes the puppies get a treat broken on top of their dogfood:)

  7. I had to laugh when I read this because my girls do the samething! Most times Hunter has to hunt for eggs. :) I finally got them to lay in the coop and not outside, but I can't get them to lay in the nesting boxes they want to lay over in corner in the dirt. Silly girls. Glad that you all got some rain, just wish that it had come earlier in the year for you.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  8. Bahaha!!! Personally, if it were me ... when that egg was ready to be dropped, wherever I was would suit me just fine! Chickens make me *laugh*! Reading about others antics with chickens makes me laugh *harder*! (Ummm...except your antics with chickens. Yeah.) :)

  9. I just love your blog, it is always a joy to read!

  10. So glad you got some much needed rain. Silly chickens! Your post just made me giggle...thanks!

  11. Maybe you can put some hay in the bottom of that bucket. At least you know to look there first each day.

  12. Oh, this is so funny! Those chickens are really nuts!
    Are they finally laying where they should be? Did you find the unwelcome critter yet?

  13. To get mine to lay in the nesting boxes, I got some easter eggs--the plastic ones, and just put 2 or so in every box. Once they saw eggs there, they tended to keep laying there. Silly, but it worked!

    Except now my girls all lay on the same spot on the idea why, but that's where they are!
