Monday, September 24, 2012

Time For a Quick Dessert: O'Henry Bars

This is one of the easiest desserts on my menu, but it's a hit every time. Chocolate and peanut butter is just a combination made in heaven and I don't even like peanut butter - not as a sandwich anyway. Don't think I've ever turned down a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup though - especially those little ones after they have been in the freezer!

Here's what you need to gather together:

No step by step photos today. I was crunched for time as I had to haul the boys hither and yon this morning. I dropped them off on the west side of the ranch in Ponderosa and picked them up at Petty Pens 3 hours later. We drove back to headquarters, changed their mounts, and I left a rig at North Camp and then dropped them on the East side of the ranch. Then I dropped the trailer at North Camp and brought the other pick up home - 60 miles this morning that took me out of the kitchen for a couple of hours. I love the excuse to escape - gives me a chance to snap a photo or two which I'll share in a few days because I think you're here for a recipe today. :)

In a medium-sized pot, cook and stir over low heat until mixture comes to a boil:
2 Tbsp butter
1/2 C light Karo syrup
1/2 C brown sugar
1/2 C peanut butter

Add in 2 C Rice Krispies
1 C peanuts

Mix well. Pour into 7x11" pan. Sprinkle 1 C chocolate chips on top to melt and spread over top. I usually pop this in the oven (if it's on) or the microwave for just long enough to melt the chocolate chips. I doubled this and put it in a larger pan. Then they descended, but there are a few pieces left:

I imagine they make a pretty good breakfast too...they DO have cereal.

Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fruit for breakfast this morning. Dinner was chicken fried steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, and Angel Biscuits. Homemade pizza for supper. Off to do more dishes and make dessert for tomorrow!


  1. Hey girl friend!! Sometimes your posts don't show up on my reading list, so I'm catching up on your last three!! Well, I so remember those days, too!! good ones! The recipes look awesome.... gonna make some soon!! Hope works are going well! We've been kinda hot again - pretty windy, too. How's it going for ya'll.

    Blessings sweetie!

  2. Whew, girlfriend, I may read this post again right before I go to bed ... I think it may be enough to wear me down and counter the effects of the steroids! LOL!! Those O'Henry Bars look marvelous! I'm pinning this one!! :)

  3. Oh, yummy... you made those for my birthday???!!!! Gee, thanks!! LOL..

    I'm catching up reading your blog from last week as a road grader cut the phone line for our dead end road. Three families without phone/internet until after one today.. Talk about withdrawal --- wheeew!!!!

    Cringed when I read the 'cooking for cowboys' entry. Reminds me of company I just had.

    Hang in there, girl, and so glad you bought Chinette plates for dinner. Out of the kitchen quicker and hopefully sewing.

  4. Oh my! I will have to try these! They look so yummy!

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  5. YUM! I'm in the only one in my family who eats nuts so if I made these I'd have to eat them all. LOL Might not be a good idea. LOL

  6. And yes, even more hungry!
    My hubby would love these, and I think my son would, too! I'll have to try them when I have my son home over Christmas.
