Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saturday Stitching, Shotguns, and Scrumptious Cinnamon Rolls

Since our boy's been home, there has been no stitching going on. I don't even miss it because I know he will be heading west before long and while he is here, stitching is the last thing on my mind. To say that we are enjoying having him home is an understatement. Those morning hugs sure do beat the picture on the refrigerator.

We spent a cold Saturday morning unloading a semi filled with clay birds for the trap and skeet club

This conveyor belt saved the day:

We loved catching up with all of our shooting peeps! Many hands make for light work:

 and Saturday night freezing our backsides off on cold bleachers watching a bronc riding and we enjoyed every minute of it. I made a double batch of my homemade cinnamon rolls to take to our friends at the range and came home with empty pans. DH ate three before we even left the house. :)

I left a small pan of 5 at home. Kind of hard to beat a good fresh cinnamon roll on a cold Saturday morning. I shared the recipe a while back. Here's the link to Crazy-Good Cinnamon Rolls . I made another batch this morning for the crew and sent the rest with our boy. Today he drove to Texas to spend the weekend with his sister. She drove down last weekend so they could spend some time together then too. I had a crew to feed these last three days so it is really quiet around here right now. My hands are ready for a break from the bleachy dishwater.

Are y'all tired of recipes? I still have a few more to share, but I figured y'all were about to give up on me as far as sewing goes, so today I thought I would show you the Fall Table Mat I finished.

This pattern came from the October issue of Quilts and More. I loved working on this and I just hand quilted it with big stitches using YLI brown quilting thread. Denise recommended it and I have to say that it quilts like butter. Thank you Denise!  I liked this little project so much that I am thinking of making one for every season. The project is fast to put together, however, I was rather pokey about getting it finished.


  1. Would you believe your cinnamon roll recipe is exactly like mine! I'm going to try the smaller pan next time, same problem, too done on the outside and not enough in the center. Thanks, I wasn't smart enough to figure that out.
    Love your fall table matt. Your work is amazing.
    I was so hoping to hear your boy was home for good. Sad he's leaving.

  2. If that was pokey stitching I'll eat my hat, though I'd rather eat your cinnamon rolls! Never get sick of your recipes or your stories. Keep 'em coming, or you could come over and bring them yourself!

  3. What a great little quilt, so pretty! And your cinnamon rolls look yummy! Might have to try to that recipe!

  4. Tired of recipes? I don't think so - keep them coming!

    This made me smile: "Those morning hugs sure do beat the picture on the refrigerator."

    It's good to see so many volunteers unloading the truck. Many hands definitely make light work!

  5. Your table mat is so cute! And you're right -- you can't beat YLI for hand quilting thread. Glad you're enjoying having your boy home.

  6. Yummm Cinimon rolls!! Looks like you all are having a great time! The stitchin' will still be there - just hug that boy ( man)

  7. Looking good on the rolls and the table mat. Your little vignette looks so homey.

    Making that mat for all the seasons is a great idea!! My youngest grandson's birthday is on Thanksgiving Day this year(he was born on Turkey Day, too), so maybe he'll get a special 'topper' with a turkey and a pumpkin on it with a birthday dedication on the back. He loves to stand beside me and watch me piece patchwork!!

    AND a definite YES on the recipes.

    That's a bunch of 'pigeons'.

  8. Your blog is making me hungry again! If I close my eyes I can almost smell the cinnamon...........ahhhhh.....

    That little table topper is just darling!
    And I don't think you were slow-- you finished so you could actually use it this year! That counts as right on time as far as I'm concerned!!

    Scrap Jar is finished, can't manage to get photos yet.....
    Wanted to do it yesterday but it was windy and the air was full of grit.
    It's always something, isn't it? Maybe today?? Fingers crossed the weather will cooperate!

  9. Your blog is making me hungry again! If I close my eyes I can almost smell the cinnamon...........ahhhhh.....

    That little table topper is just darling!
    And I don't think you were slow-- you finished so you could actually use it this year! That counts as right on time as far as I'm concerned!!

    Scrap Jar is finished, can't manage to get photos yet.....
    Wanted to do it yesterday but it was windy and the air was full of grit.
    It's always something, isn't it? Maybe today?? Fingers crossed the weather will cooperate!

  10. Yay for having our sons home!! Your cinnamon sticky buns look drool-worthy!! And your mat is just darling - very cute on the lazy Susan, too! I'm so glad the YLI thread worked well for you!!

  11. I don't mind the recipes at all, so you continue with your stories, chickens, kids, whatever you feel like talking about, it's all good to me.

  12. I love your table mat! I'm working on the same one right now. If mine turns out half as nice as yours I'll be thrilled.
