Monday, November 5, 2012

A Forest of Trees in the Desert

I can't stop making them!

It started with one little tree:

  And I needed 15 for Jim's quilt:

But then the snow arrived and I couldn't stop:

 The 12" trees began to diminish in size:

And increase in number:

The tree building continues...


  1. Aaaaah!! You've got something up your sleeve!! Can't wait to see where this little evergreen forest is going to lead! :)

  2. I love a good mystery. . .

    The snowflake fabric is perfect for the little pines.

  3. Holy smokes, woman, that's a ton of beautiful trees. Way to go!

  4. Wowww!!
    Your trees are beautiful!!!

  5. Those are sooo cute. I love when one finds a pattern that they just have to keep making!

  6. They do look fun! What are you going to do with all the littler ones? A quilt I'm sure but what for, who for? :)

  7. I love the trees. What a great block!

  8. First thing that came to mind - you can't see the forest for the trees.

  9. LOL! This is SO MUCH FUN!!!
    I can't wait to see what those darling little trees turn into.

  10. You have your own little tree farm going on there! I love them.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  11. you are my sewing hero!!!!!! You need a trophy or a ribbon a gold star or some very good chocolate as a piecing prize:)

  12. Love these! I can't wait to see the final product.

  13. Again, blogger forgot to pull this post up on my reading list, so I'm way behind on commenting! I bet you thought I had ignored you - but alas, just blogger doing it's thing.

    Enough of my complaints!! I love, love, love these trees!! All sizes, so could you please give me the cutting specs for the 12" block. I can then figure different sizes!!! I have a quilt planned and these trees are just what I have been looking for!!


  14. Oh I love the trees and looking forward to see them put together. Hmmm they also remind me on my X-mas-tree swap from last year - sigh - I havent even looked at my blocks since then :(

  15. So where can i find a pic of the finished quilt after all these years? I wasted an hour to no avail skimming newer posts but must have missed it and gave up. Thanks.
