Friday, January 25, 2013

Barn Star Quilt Complete

While I was in Texas, drowning in paperwork, helping my mom, and being social, I did manage to stitch the binding onto the Made in Cherry Quilt I made last year during Sara's quilt along. Finished UFO #2!

Presenting Barn Star:

 I tried to hang it in the barn, but Its too dark in there so a casual toss over the barn door is all you get:

Barn Star is 80" square and I am thrilled with the finished result! Jackie purchased a new barbed wire quilting design and it is perfect for this quilt Its a simple stipple with little barbed wire star looking points randomly stitched along the wire. That backing is a barbed wire print:

The backing is probably the oldest fabric from my stash. It was once a set of curtains in my home many moons ago:

I'm betting I've had it for about 15 years. I wasn't a quilter back then, but I used to sew for the kids a lot and now it has finally found it's permanent home.

I bound it with the black fabric from the King of the Ranch line. That seems to be my 'go to' print for bindings on these western quilts and I am going to be sad when it is gone.

I used 50 different prints in the star. Here are a few close ups of some of the prints:

I can't choose a favorite. I love them all:

After stitching this and my huge Western Scrappy Trips quilt, my box of western prints still won't close...and I have 2!

Now, how do I hang this thing on my wall?


  1. Wonderful, wonderful!!! Mike would love all these prints (I do too, but I tend to lean toward the CW fabric and flowery fabric) Great finish!!!

    Be Joyful!

  2. I absolutely love it! You should enter it in a show. I just took my Cowboy Christmas quilt to one of the long armers I use a lot. One of the favorites she does on mine is a rope design. I'll have to tell her about the barbed wire. I wish I could see that better on your quilt. It reminds me of my Texas quilt I've never photographed, I'll have to go do that!

  3. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netJanuary 25, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    Your star quilt is wonderful. You have done a really great job in selecting all your materials. How big are your squares in the star?

  4. This is an inspiring quilt, especially since I'm in the planning and collecting stage of making cowboy/western I-spy quilts for my two nephews. :-)

    I'm not always a huge fan of star quilts - at least for making them myself, but I like the concept of the patchwork within the star design. :-) Thanks for the link to the directions.

  5. I love your quilt it looks fantastic.....great way to finish with barbed wire quilting design......

  6. Wow Karin, you've done a fantastic job! Looking at the close-up your points match perfectly! Give this a prominent place right inside the front door where any one who enters has to come eye to eye with it. Love the colors, love the quilt! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Oh my word - what a beauty! It sounds like you have some "SERIOUS" western prints to choose from. LOL

    This one is a WINNER!!

  8. Itt looks great! Have you seen the sew triangle pockets in the corners and use a dowel or stick of some kind for hanging? I haven't tried it (and I can't remember where I saw it) but she said that that was how they hung quilts at a museum she'd worked at.

  9. That's so neat looking! I love the background fabric -- is it wood grain, or stripes that give that effect? Add in the story of the drapes and that barbed wire quilting....You've made one cool quilt!

  10. Ok what did you say your address was? I need some warm weather and a cowboy star quilt:) I'm leaving as soon as my bags are packed LOL

  11. Oh wow -- this is fabulous! It reminds me a little of Chinese Checkers for some reason. It's beautiful!! :)

  12. the quilt is lovely! It's not my go to colours, but I think it's turned out beautifully. I love how you've made a quilt that represents your region of America. The pattern reminds me of a new one Carrie Nelson Miss Rosie has recently released, Hubble I think she called it.

  13. What a neat quilt and wow....50 different prints in the star...beautiful!

  14. Oh Karin it's really, really wonderful! I always loved that barbed wire fabric...I had it in several colors and think I still have a bit of it on my shelf. It was a good one! and perfect for your quilt!

  15. karin it is really fabulous. I just love how it turned out! Looking at all your prints in there is like an eye-spy game! Still don't have the binding hand stitched down on mine......hoping to get it started over the weekend though.

  16. I LOVE that quilt!!! I think instead of hanging it - you should let it come to my couch... they would be friends!

  17. Great job on this quilt! Love it! Find a wall to hang it on....... hm the quilt looks bigger as any of my rooms actually are - lol!

  18. This quilt is absolutely beautiful!
