Monday, January 14, 2013

New Project

We have a dear couple who have been treasured friends for years...going on 2 decades. Yikes. Their daughter is delightful and getting married and of course a quilt must be made! I was initially thinking of Easy Street. Those used to be 'Haley' colors, but alas, children grow up and now we are looking at a more subdued color palette. Her Mama said their colors are more on the masculine side in grays and creams and yellows. I am thinking a chevron quilt. With the exception of the grays I bought for easy street, and some cream, my stash isn't much help.

I started browsing on the Internet and here are a few selections I am contemplating:

What do y'all think? This is SO out of my comfort zone, but I am delighted to make something they will love! Maybe 3 yellow, 3 grays, and 3 creams?

I'm thinking of adding some of this darker gray I bought for Easy Street, but did not use. Binding, perhaps?

I'm thinking I ought to wait until I have the top pieced before making that decision.


  1. Love your gray scroll-could you share where you found it? Making 2 baby quilts with gray in them! Evidently it's the color to go with!
    Thanks so much!

  2. I think these colors would look wonderful in EAsy Street!!

  3. I like all the fabrics, but one (the second yellow). For some reason it doesn't appeal to my eye.

  4. I like your colours and love the dark grey fabric. What is the name and maker?

  5. Lovely! I especially love the understated fabrics. They won't overpower the other fabrics.

  6. I love those colors - will you show us the quilt as you go???

  7. I LIKE THOSE ! I think a little bit of cream color would go great. Gray has become a staple in so many fabric collections hasn't it. I have a little gray collected, I think I'll put it with some yellow....Thanks for the idea !

  8. I love the combination of greys and yellows you're looking at! The florals keep it soft and rather delicate. The dark grey binding would be the perfect finish (just from what I see here)! :)

  9. Wow, I love this color combination. I also with Denise..the dark grey would make a great binding. Can't wait to see it as it comes along.
