Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gettin' It Done in March

Whew! If it wasn't for lists, I would be up a creek. Actually, I wish I WERE up a creek because a creek means water, and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of that around these parts these days. I imagine y'all get a mite weary of  my talking about the lack of rain and weather in general, but the bovine business relies upon it greatly, and what these cattle are consuming will have a direct impact on just how yummy that steak you're planning on eating is going to taste...and how much it costs!

But back to lists. If I don't have them, I wouldn't be able to remember what I was supposed to be getting done. I think my mind left with the kids.

This was my list for February:

1. Make the binding and bind the Chimneys and Cornerstones QOV - Binding is made and is presently being hand stitched to the back.
2. Make binding and bind Scrap Jar Stars - Binding is made, and it is stitched to the front
3. Make binding and bind Bunny Hill Baby Boy Quilt - Binding is made
4. Piece Easy Street - Done!

So, progress, but not a great showing. I just picked up the quilts last week. I am keeping Jackie busy. I did take her another quilt and asked her to move it to the front of the line. I don't have an immediate need for the others. I just want to get get them checked off of my OTHER list...the UFO / PHD list.

I am sewing. Just not sewing things on the list. Not THIS list anyway. I'm fairly certain what I'm working on is on a list...somewhere.

SO, is it a cop out if my list for March is almost identical? I've got to stay focused. The focused bird gets the worm...or something like that. :)

1. Bind Chimney's and Cornerstones

2. Bind Scrap Jar Stars
3. Bind Bunny Hill Baby Boy Quilt
4. Piece the top for Haley's Wedding Quilt

I'm linking up over at Judy's. If you pop in over there, you can see what everyone's working on, and then find more things to add to your list - unless you are strong and have a will of iron. I am beginning to think I have the will of a gummy bear. 


  1. That's pretty clever - the will of a gummy bear. So descriptive! By the way, as you make your lists and churn your way through all those quilting duties, remember to enjoy the process. Isn't that why we do this? Sometimes it may be best to slow down and just enjoy what you're doing, rather than race through to accomplish everything on the list. (Having the same challenge as you - new projects are SO enticing - I do realize that you really should finish outstanding projects before you begin the next, but I am just gently reminding you, if I may, to slow down and enjoy.) I love reading your blog. It shares w/ me a lifestyle that I know nothing about, but greatly value and respect Thank you!

  2. Don't know why, but again blogger didn't pop up your post in my google reader!!!! So I'm three posts behind!! You have been busy - love the one with quilts, dishes, seeds and DIRT!!! Looks like my life - oh yeah we are a lot alike!! LOL (except maybe you talk a little bit more LOL!!!!) The duckies are absolutely darling!!! I love books, too!!! You are an amazing gift giver!!! Your list is great - I'm lost without one (okay, okay, maybe sometimes I'm even lost with one!! LOL!!!!))

    Have a Blessed Joy filled day!!

  3. I've been wondering if you all got any of the snow - which melts and makes WATER - that has been barreling out of the panhandle of Texas? Our three steers - one to butcher and two to sell and buy three more - are munching on green grass as I write. I see them down in the pasture and they look fat and happy. So far, for the year we have 10.5 inches.

    Your list of accomplishments looks good to me. I'm working on two quilts at once using the leaders and enders method. Both are scrap quilts and I'd like to get either of them to the quilters soon.

    A prayer chain for you some rain would be a good thing. My daughters are real prayer warriors and I'll tell them NM needs some rain!!!

  4. I think you did great on your February goals. Your Ducky quilt is adorable.

  5. My mind left when I retired last May. I know the day of the week and I know who is president so I am oriented x2. I have much to do like you and haven't any lists. I am sorry about the rain for you. Let's hope March is better. I am glad I don't eat any meat but it is important for my hubby's hamburger.

  6. Great job on your goals! Who needs an iron will anyway... there are too many things that can be done!

  7. You got a lot done. Congrats. I scrolled through previous posts while visiting your blog. Love the hay (?) design wall. Shows off those lovely blocks!

  8. Your lists are working. I seems to me that you got a lot done. I too love making lists so I can check them off. I have many lists too. If I could use my customer lists of finishing quilts, I'd be batting 100% for the month, but for my personal list -- not too good.
    Love reading about your neck of the woods too.

  9. Dear Miss Gummy, Good job getting items on your list done. I'm doing like you are - making the list that can be accomplished - in steps instead of projects. It's a little more fun that way too. I plan to be iron clad this month - no new projects. (except maybe a quilt for my daughter...and there's the one I want to start for the

  10. Oh, you have my sympathy regarding the lack of water! We need rain badly here too. We've had some this winter, so we thank the Lord for that, but we need so much more! I've been glad to see cattle back in some of the pastures that were empty awhile after the big drought of 2011, but if things don't improve they'll be back down again.

  11. I need to set some goals for March. I set them for January and didn't finish them, so didn't set any for February and still didn't finish January's. Maybe I abandon January's and set brand-spanking-new goals for March. Only I won't tell anyone what they are, so that I won't feel bad if I don't finish them. LOL!!! Oh, and by the way? The focused bird typically does get the worm ... but I've watched out our picture window and seen--more than a time or two--a hawk swoop down and get that focused bird! LOL! Just sayin.
