Friday, February 15, 2013

Yellow and Gray HSTs

I finally started cutting into the pile of yellows and grays for Haley's Wedding Quilt. Lots of HSTs  will come together to make what I hope is  a lovely gift for a sweet girl and her groom-to-be. We've known this child since she was 2, and it is hard to  reconcile those childhood memories with the gorgeous woman that will soon walk down the aisle.

This child has the most amazing red hair. The kind that so many people try to coerce from a bottle, yet she has a glorious crown of the prettiest hair you have ever seen...naturally. However, that is not the prettiest thing about her. That would be her heart. She is bright and pretty and witty and funny and wise and kind and all things lovely. Her parents are pretty amazing too so it's a case of the apple not falling far from the tree.

I remember one day very clearly. She was probably 6, and our girl was 3. We were all spending a Sunday afternoon at a friend's arena watching the men rope. Spent lots and lots of Sunday afternoons there. Gave us girls a chance to catch up and cheer the boys on and the kids just created one adventure after another in the farm fields.

On this particular day, our girl was running and when she fell, she acquired a mouthful of dirt. As she sat up to spew it out and make those funny faces that kids with a mouthful of dirt make, Haley sat down next to her and proceeded to put a handful of dirt into her own mouth. Our daughter just looked at her wide eyed and asked her why she did that. Haley said she felt bad and thought it would make our girl feel better if she too had a mouthful of dirt. LOL.

So, how many of us would do that? I'm betting not many, but Haley has the kindest heart and does not like to see anyone in distress. It's what I remember most from those years.

And now she is a grown woman and her impending wedding is cause for the creation of a quilt. So, I stitched hsts all weekend until I had enough.

I am thinking chevrons:

But I may let them go rogue:

Still deciding. Do you have a preference?


  1. What a cute story. Have to admit - I "eat" dirt all the time - but not the physical dirt....LOL In other words - I "eat" my own words so I'm careful what I say. LOL

    Have to admit, I like the color combo! You have a tough, but beautiful decision ahead of you as far as how to arrange them.

  2. This an interesting combination of colors and fabrics, Karin. I'm captivated and can't wait to see which setting you choose. I like the chevrons but ...... LOL

  3. I like the chevrons best!! It's going to be beautiful no matter what you choose!

  4. Haley sounds like a precious person. From reading the story it sounds like the Chevrons fit her personality.
    I got to meet Doniene yesterday at a quilt shop. She's one of those people you like instantly !

  5. Sweet story, ahh the innocence of youth. I'm a great friend but there are limits of what I would put in my mouth. Besides there wouldn't be any room with both feet there! Jane
    PS: My preference is the Random, looks great.

  6. What a precious story! She sounds like a lovely, lovely person. I love the looks of both, but the chevrons really are fabulous. Especially in this beautiful color palette! :)

  7. Chevrons. I really like the chevrons. You should go with the chevrons. I think she would like the chevrons too. Have you sewed those chevrons together yet? Send me a picture of the chevrons. How big is this chevron quilt going to be????

    hahaha Make it BIG enuf...right??

  8. With HSTs you can create lots of designs that will fit the personalities of the young couple.

  9. I like both ways and both will be pretty. The story is sweet. She sounds like a nice oerson and will make a nice Mother.

  10. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netFebruary 15, 2013 at 11:36 AM

    I like both but an drawn to the second, the rogue, I can see why she is a very special person to you.

  11. I like Rogue. I've never like the chevron stuff.

  12. Chevron!!!!
    Really need to make one soon!

  13. Pretty color choices. I'm leaning toward the chevron -- it is the NOW thing for the young at heart and she sounds like she is more chevron than rogue personality.

  14. I like the chevrons. I would never pick these colors, but I'm liking them. Cute story about the lovely red head. :)

  15. I love that story, and see why you have carried it in your sweet!!!! Love those Chevrons!

  16. I have always loved yellow and grey together. I like the buttery yellows you chose (as opposed to lemony yellows). The fabrics are beautiful.

    I choose rogue. The chevrons look very boring to me.... (Sorry to be so blunt.) Does Haley know you're making her a quilt? If not, can you somehow find out what her preferences might be without disclosing that you're making a quilt for her?

  17. I like the second one the best. The bride and groom will love your gift.

  18. I prefer the chevrons. I seem to like the more ordered look.

  19. I can't decide! I like order - but the rouge complements the fabrics very well!


  20. I love the color combination! I'd vote for letting 'em go rogue because I wonder if the chevrons would look dated more quickly. (Just because everyone seems to be making chevrons right thsi second.)

  21. What a sweet story. She is a special young woman, who will get a very special wedding quilt no matter which way you arrange those triangles.
