Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Adding to the Granny Square Pile

I love these little blocks. I don't know why they keep getting shuffled to the bottom of the pile.  They do take a bit of time to piece together. Maybe the fact that there are 86 pieces in one 9" block keeps me from staying focused, but look how pretty they are:

The original quilt calls for 36 squares and the quilt finishes at 79" square. Yes, you know what comes next. I am making the quilt bigger. *Big Grin* I'm aiming for 56 squares in a 7 x 8 block setting.

It's spring, and most people are working with lovely, fresh colors, but this little project has been on my UFO list long enough and I need to chip away at it. 18 blocks are already in the pile and I had 10 blocks on my list of things to get done in April so I whipped those out, and then cut enough fabric and prepped for the remaining 28 blocks.

As well as made the strips for the border. I think there are about 250 border strips in here:

Whew. That was a lot of cutting. I'm tempted to stay with these, but time behind my sewing machine is rare these days.

I think this will be a lovely winter quilt, and these blocks still bring me joy when they come together...spring, or not. Let's just hope it's not NEXT spring before I get it finished. Looking at these photos, I realize that this one project sure does take up a lot of boxes.

Now if only I could solve the mystery of the never diminishing box of strips:


  1. Oh, so pretty! I really love seeing these blocks every time you post them. And you are right, it will be a nice winter quilt. You are in the home stretch now!

  2. LOL, That's "sew" right ! The more you cut those strips up and use them, the bigger the old pile grows ! I don't understand that either ! That is going to be a gorgeous quilt !

  3. Those are amazingly beautiful!! Wow, once that top is finished what a treasure it will be. :)

  4. The color of the fabrics you are using for the granny squares are my favorites - subtle, yet striking.

  5. Karin, I LOVE your granny blocks!! They are kinda time consuming - but oh so pretty!!! I love your rich colors - it will be lovely!!


  6. Lookin' good.... what patience you have!

  7. Gorgeous! I love your colors. I would be tempted to work on this one non stop to get it finished! Great work.

  8. Wow -- these are pretty darn spectacular! I love your color combinations, and yes, this will be a very striking quilt for dreary winter days when it's all put together! It'll chase away those winter doldrums in a flash! As for your bos of strips ... what about a scrappy string quilt?! :)

  9. I absolutely LOVE it!!!
    It makes me feel "warm". When I look at it. May I ask where I might get the pattern to creat a beauty like this?

  10. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! That is going to be the most amazing quilt!

  11. whenever I see this block I say I must make this one, there are so many "must makes" on my list I don't think I will ever have the time!

  12. Love your granny blocks, beautiful !

  13. Wow! Just gorgeous! How big are those little squares!?!?
