Thursday, November 21, 2013

When Life Gives You Apples...

you spend a lot of time in the kitchen...coring, peeling, slicing, and dicing. However, this is my favorite time of the year and we've had days and weeks of amazing fall weather and apples rank high on the list of my favorite fall things. For years and years, when we lived in Texas, we had orchards at our finger tips

 and we made lots of apple picking trips.

  I  miss those days.

However, I fondly recall those memories when I am up to my elbows in apples. I made apple butter and apple sauce

and diced apples for apple cake:

and made batches and batches of dried apples.

This batch goes to our boy who was just deployed the other day:

 - I dry some plain and some with a dash of cinnamon and sugar. I have 8 trays for my dehydrator and the top 2 trays are always empty by the time the apples are ready and I can't blame it on the kids anymore. DH is like a kid when it comes to sneaking into the cookie jar...or dehydrator. I'm saving back a couple of apples for a pie - hard to beat a good homemade apple pie!

Its been a productive couple of days:


  1. Homemade apple pie is hart to beat! If I lived closer a couple more trays would be empty too....LOL Prayers for your son.

  2. Nothing is better than homemade apple butter. I haven't made it in years. Do you bake yours?

  3. lucky girl! although I know you miss the helpers!

  4. Those look so yummy. I can smell your kitchen with the apples, cinnamon and sugar cooking. I love to dry apples too, but can't keep them looking pretty like yours. Now I want a piece of apple cake! Darn.

  5. YUM! I can smell those apples cooking...I'd have a hard time passing that dehydrator and not lifting the lid and maybe, just maybe snatching a taste! YUMMERS!

  6. I LOVE apple butter! It's been a while since I've had it but my mother used to make it when I was younger. I need to get back into the habit... Thanks for the inspiration! :-)

  7. Oh YUM! you are always making me hungry! I'll bet your house smells divine.
