Y'all may be wondering if I still even sew. I think it was September the last time I sat behind my sewing machine. I know. I see you shaking your heads and tsk, tsking, but I've even been too busy to miss it much.
In short: I had company for a week, cooked for a crew for a couple of weeks when we worked cattle, our boy was home for a couple of weeks on his pre-deployment leave, I made a trip to see my Mom for a week, we went to the WRCA for 3 days, had surgery, Thanksgiving arrived, we went to Vegas for 4 days, and then suddenly it was Christmas! Hence, sewing has not made an appearance since early September.
I enjoyed every minute of those last 4 months though and I wanted to soak in all the time with loved ones I could. When either of the kids is home, sewing is the last thing on my mind. Now, with January already marching along at a brisk pace, I am beginning to feel the need to stitch...and catch up with all of you.
I feel like I didn't get much done in 2013, but pulling it all together in a collage, made me realize that I DID make progress.
13 quilts completed in 2013. I set out to finish as many unfinished projects as I could and I was excited to cross off 8 of those. I started out the year with 18 so I still have some to finish including 2 quilts that just need binding. I imagine I'll get to those during the Olympics...maybe. But that brings the total completed UFOs to 10 and I'll just keep chipping away at the others.
My goal in 2014 is to refrain from buying much fabric. I need an intervention and when I popped over to Staci's blog, I found help. Thank you, Staci! I like that she is committing to 6 months of fabric fasting. That seems much more feasible than the whole year and come July 1st, I can reevaluate. My stash is starting to take over and although I know that just comes with the territory if you are a quilter, I really hope to make a dent in my fabric collection. I'm running out of room and I refuse to buy one more container. So if you too are a quilter in need of an intervention, you can visit Jess at the Eleven Garden and join in here.

I know I will need fabric for backings, but if I buy that for particular projects, then I won't be adding to the fabric insanity. I am going to stop and pray for strength before I walk into any fabric stores this year. Or better yet, just don't walk into any, but we all know that's not likely to happen so your snort of laughter is entirely appropriate. Of course, if I want to make a dent in my fabric stash, I probably ought to make some time to actually sew.
Wow! 13 finishes and you stopped sewing in September? You did great! I hope to do 6 in 2014 but Heaven knows I have lots more than that I could finish.
ReplyDeleteBusy, Busy girl...you are amazing!
ReplyDeleteFabulous finishes!!! Great goals - sounds similar to mine!! Surgery?????? Praying complete healing and abundant blessings for you and all yours!! Soldier boy has been on my heart lately - always praying protection and discernment for him!!! Come see us - and bring your sweet hubby! Never know, we might get up your way sometime!!
I love reading your blog, whether you're writing about quilting or not. You've obviously got your priorities straight and I know you'll get back to the quiltng when the time is right (or the urge can't be overcome any longer). I hope you enjoy working on those WIPs and find lots of inspiration in your stash. (Just for the record, I had sworn to myself during autumn that I wouldn't buy any more fabric that wasn't essential until I had used up more of my fabric collection. I hadn't counted on the appearance of those marvelous fabric sales right after Thanksgiving. Ah well). I hope 2014 is a great year for you and your family!
ReplyDeleteOh! Six months does seem a lot more palatable than a whole year! Three months is even *more* palatable! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYour finishes beat mine. I resolve to do better in the coming year. You lead the most interesting life. I enjoy reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou do lovely work. Thanks for reminding us of all the fun this year.
ReplyDeleteI always say I'm not going to buy more fabric but alas it seems I always do!!! I would say no more starting NOW... but we are going to the Stock show the end of the month, and I know Paula and I will hit the quilt shops!!!!!!!!!! so I guess I will quit after that:)
ReplyDeleteIwas looking for a computer disc in the UH... storage (bed)room and discovered a bag of fabric that I remember buying last yr... but had lost track of! I am so with you on not buying any more new fabric Unless I need it to finish a project that is.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading on a lot of blogs about not buying fabric for six months and I now it's a great idea. I just know I wouldn't be able to do it and hate to attempt something that I know I can't do. It's bad enough I have lose weight and exercise on my list.
ReplyDeleteAre ya'll going to leave me alone to support all those quilt shops? Can one really have too much fabric? I might share my treasures with others but to enter a shop and not purchase fabric would hurt me. LOL
ReplyDeleteI so missed your blog during the holidays.
Thank you so much, Twyla - you are too kind. I wanted to reply to your comment, but you are showing up as a non-reply blogger so I thought I would just comment here and hope you see it. :)
ReplyDeleteLOL - Never fear, I'm sure I will cave eventually on the fabric fasting. If you saw my stash you would agree that I need to sew with what I have. I've supported many a quilt shop through the years. In fact, I told DH how incredibly hospitable and friendly they are and he just laughs and says, "They see you coming and they know you are going to leave them a lot less fabric than they had before you walked in so of course they're happy to see you!".
Anonymous - Thank you so much. You too are showing up as a non-reply blogger so I'm commenting here. You're off to a good start with a plan to get more done. I'm not starting out the new year very well, but I'm hoping to pick up steam. :)
ReplyDeleteCarolyn - you too are showing up as a non-reply blogger. :( Isn't it funny how an entire bag of fabric can go missing like that and then suddenly show up out of the blue? I'm still going strong on the 'no fabric buying', but the 'unless I need it for a project' will be the slippery slope for me. I'm going to have to keep myself on a short rope. :)
ReplyDeleteI think you did a great job! And to keep track of it is a big accomplishmnt!!
ReplyDeleteHad Surgery? You slipped that little comment in there amongst all the rest. As was reading through your list I was thinking how all the things you were doing were the important things (much more important than sewing) and then that little zinger showed. I hope whatever it was, that you are now healthy and well and have made/are making a full recovery. I KNOW you don't have time to be down!
ReplyDelete13 finished is 2013--sounds about perfect to me!! You made some very lovely and very LARGE things last year!