Thursday, January 16, 2014

Adventures in Lubbock

I've written previously about time spent with my 2 best friends. Now that M has abandoned us and moved across state lines, we don't get the chance to see each other much, although truth be told, we didn't get together as often as we would have liked before she moved. Now we just make more of an effort to meet up at least a couple times during the year. Our birthdays are all within a couple of weeks of each other so January is generally one of those times.

So on Tuesday, L and I load up and hightailed it east for a day of rip roaring fun and met up with M. These girls are just so good for the soul!

Yes, we spent some time in a lingerie department because even dirt road girls need a few pretty pieces in their wardrobe for when they are working on water leaks, hauling hay, cooking up a storm, or attempting to sit on an ornery steer while he is being doctored.

We stopped at Best Buy to look at tablets and laptops. Its my birthday present, but I've been incredibly confused about what to get. I wanted portability with the option of having  a keyboard and I needed a HDMI port. I also wanted to use it to Skype with our boy and there are just too many options out there. And I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg. The arms and legs are already earmarked for other things. :) Having the girls along made this stop less painful for me.

Other stops included a beauty supply shop so that one of our posse could purchase something to make her glow. Personally I think her glow comes from her personality. I've never been in a store like that and while she was being pampered, we provided comic relief which is what we do best.

We also shopped for weenie dog shoes. Don't ask. I never knew such a thing existed. I always get an education when I am with these two. Have I mentioned how much I love these gals?

I'm fairly certain the sales clerks throughout the day questioned our sanity when the 3 of us country bumpkins left each location, but when the 3 of us are together...well, lets just say we've become accustomed to the responses.

And we had a fabulous dinner (lunch) at Cracker Barrel where we closed out the meal by sharing a fabulous piece of Chocolate Coca-Cola Cake in celebration of our birthdays.

Sample Quotes from the day although I'm not naming names. :)

"Its classier than Bag Balm"
"Do you have my underwear?"

Never a dull moment with these two!

And I'll have you know that this is day 16 of the new year and I have been in Lubbock and I even spent a few days in Dallas/Ft Worth/Weatherford and I haven't even set foot in a fabric or quilt shop. I am quite proud of that fact too... but not too proud, because I know all too well how quickly that can change! :)

So, after spending a day with my 2 best buds, I feel like I can tackle just about anything. I am recharged and raring to go, but the 'going' I am referring to will have take place right here at the end of the dirt road. I've had my fill of adventure away from here for a bit.


  1. Sounds like just about the perfect day!! I love your friend adventures! What kind of tablet did you end up getting??! I won't ask about the lingerie . . . Keep up the good work on the fabric fast! :)

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks and sounds like a lot of fun. You'll have to tell all about the techine decision. Those electronic decisions confuse me, too. I keep thinking I am going to have to learn to skype just to keep up with my grandbaby after my SIL is assigned. The baby will likely be talking and skyping before I ever figure it out.
    There is a great quilt shop called Ft Worth Quilt Works. I visited it once while in Texas with quilty friends. Not that I am trying to be fabric enabler or anything ... ;) Pat

  3. Good friends are a treasure, and I think you have found two gems!

    Happy Belated Birthday

  4. Sounds like fun! Why do girls know how to have way more fun that guys do????? lol

  5. Good for you!! Always fun to spend time with soul mates!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  6. What a fun day! I enjoyed reading about your BFFs and laughed over the quotes. :)

  7. So glad the three of you could spend time together though it will probably take Lubbuck a little while to recover! :)

  8. What a fun birthday that was! It's so nice to have two best buds to share those silly moments with. Congrats on staying out of the quilt shops this long. Hope you make it to the end of the month.

  9. I wish I had been along with you ladies!! It sounds like a great time, and yes beauty does come from within. When I was on Texas in Dec. I was treated to a Cracker Barrel dinner. It was nice, loved the store. Bought a chicken butter dish and hauled it back to CA on the plane. Happy Birthday to you!!

  10. Looks like ya'll had fun!I hope I have a couple of good friends like that one day!
