Sunday, January 5, 2014

Kicking off the New Year with a Little Branding Smoke

This weekend, our girl had a friend home from college. He was raised on a ranch so we took advantage of his raising and put him to work.

    He was warned.

 He came anyway.

Gotta love a kid raised with a good work ethic.

And who throws a mean loop:

Much praise goes to his Mama and Daddy who raised him right:

We had about 40 hd of late calves to work so we took advantage of the extra help. Everyone has a job:

And I took advantage of my photo opportunity:

 This girl falls back into her role easily:

And she loves every minute:

Her Daddy loves having her home as much as she loves being home:

I love watching how they work together so well:

After dinner, they were all off to put out mineral and make the rounds. It was well after dark when they came rolling in. Everyone hit the sheets early and slept like babies last night and it'll be the late service for us at church since they're already back out moving the cattle to another pasture this morning:

And this young man is welcome back anytime:


  1. Love your pictures!! We were going to sell calves tomorrow, but the temp is going to be -12 with wind chills of -40 so the calves are staying home. It looked much warmer in your pics.

  2. Great photos.

    Obviously, your girl knows a good man when she sees him. ;oD

  3. What an awesome opportunity for that young man to get to work with a great family like yours!! I have an inkling that he may become a 'regular' as college & work schedules permit! Thanks for sharing the great pis - Blessings!!

  4. What fun!! Or at least it's fun watching through your photos!! A whole lot less work that way, too! There were a lot of late calves in our area this year. Your girl looks beautiful and happy!! :)

  5. One great time together!! Blessings to all!

  6. Looks like your girl learnt how to pick 'em from her Mamma! great pics once again x

  7. Great photos. What fun you all had. Your daughter just gets prettier every time I see her ;-) Glad you had her home,

  8. Karin what beautiful photos! You are so good! Just such a stunning slice of ranch life! I know you were so happy to have your girl there, as obviously was your hubby. Has she headed back to school? And how nice of her to bring extra help!

  9. Oi, he's a keeper! Does she know this? Even if they are not together, she should know this ;-)

  10. Sounds like a nice young man!Catching up on your blog,computer issues guess I m gonna have to buy a new 1 pretty soon,crud,RA flare up ,working extra,and somehow couldn't get signed in on Blogger so I could comment!
