Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snowing and Sewing

I know that many of  you are digging out from yet another winter storm and hoping for an early spring, but here in the desert, this is a cause for jubilation.

OK, its just a skiff so perhaps jubilation is a bit strong, but sometimes my fingers take over and I let them. Full tummies make happy birds:

And happy horses:

Still, we always, always, always celebrate moisture of any kind, and I took advantage of temps well below freezing and settled in behind my machine after melting ice for the critters this morning. The water was frozen solid and at 9°, I'm sure this hot water won't take long to freeze either:

I've got leftovers for dinner so that leaves me time to play. Borders have been added to this floral quilt and I'm piecing a backing and taking it in to Jackie for quilting  next week:

The King of the Jungle Baby quilt is ready for quilting as well:

And more blocks are being added to the Granny Square pile:

I don't have a  design wall, but I think I'm going to begin laying these out and start adding the sashing. Progress!

And I made it through the entire month of January without making any fabric purchases and even though I only sewed 2 days in January, a month without bringing any new fabric into this house is a start.

May your day be filled with warm horsey breath and soft, snowy nuzzles from a good friend:


  1. Good to hear that you got some welcome moisture. All my area is getting right now is bitter, bitter cold (-20 this AM) that is made even more bitter with wind chill (predicted -35 with wind).

    It's too dang cold to do anything outside, so I am knitting and playing on the computer. I really should be working on a QOV that I've neglected too long. Sigh! Too much to do around here to be bore or to have cabin fever.

  2. yeah for moisture. We, too, got a skiff and we were only 14 - but you know - water stays frozen at that temp too!! LOL Way to go girl about the fabric purchases! I can't say the same - but then I didn't vow not to buy any!! LOL But it was something I did NEED for a project!! LOL big time!!!

    Hoping we can meet up this month! Miss your sweet smile and big hug!


  3. Yay for snow!! We've got rain, rain, rain ... flash flood warning rain ... but in the end, we'll be happy for it! Sweet horsey nuzzle! Enjoy your stitching day! :)

  4. Glad you got some wet stuff Karin. So did we/still are! We had the third dryest January in the history of keeping track, so we really, really need this rain/snow. Glad you got some sewing in too. Lovely looking quilts.

  5. Glad to hear you got some moisture! Love your pictures as always...the horse with the snow on his nose is the BEST!

  6. ...and snow is a wonderful kind of moisture for folks that live off the land because I've heard it has more minerals in it than rain.

    Sounds like you've been keeping (mostly) warm and busy. :-) I like the last photo the best.

  7. I just wanted to say.... I love that photo of your horse's muzzle. I can imagine it's sweet softness and his/her warm, hay-scented breath. Lovely.
