Monday, July 7, 2014

Weekend Update

Hope y'alls 4th was a good one! We were unconventional - didn't attend any events - no parades, no fireworks, no rodeos, no barbecues - but my favorite cast iron skillet was filled with fried chicken, and watermelon and Summer Berry Pie were on the menu. The boys roped in the morning and naps were taken.

 On Saturday more roping ensued in the morning

and queso, salsa, and fajitas were served up to friends that evening as a good night of UFC fights had us sitting on the edge of our seats.

Sunday morning found us back in the roping arena by 6 am - see a cycle here? :)

Apparently my hands are soft because I now sport an attractive cluster of blisters from running the chute and pulling the rope on the gate.

I am on a mission to have hubby make a new gate that does not weigh a ton, but I love being out here when the boys rope. The sweet girl from North Camp snagged this shot:

DH reworked the heeling box and welded up a spot for an old toolbox for storing the horn wraps and various roping essentials:

He also fixed up a spot for our girl to sit while waiting for the boys to bring the cattle back up the alley:


DH smoked chicken and pork loin on Sunday and that, along with the weekend's leftovers, will keep us fed for days. I welcome the sabbatical from kitchen duties as I'm falling behind on mowing duties. :)

 I mowed some the other day and ran into something unexpected:

Oops. I've been letting the chickens free range for a few weeks and apparently someone just couldn't make it back to the coop in time. :) Sorry about the quality of these photos - just snapped them all quick with my phone.

Sunday afternoon found us napping off our dinner and settling in for another round of UFC fights in the evening. We watch almost no television, but UFC fights are something we sure enjoy. I know. It always surprises people to know that I am a UFC fan.

It was a good weekend. Today I'm heading to the sale barn and  then I have a date with my pillow long about 8 this evening...earlier if I can get away with it.


  1. Looks like an ideal weekend.

  2. Sounds like a FUN and relaxing weekend. Hope you have a great day at the sale!

  3. Looks like FUN! We didn't do much either.. fed poor, ole skinny cows!

  4. Didnt do any thing hereThankfully had 2 1/2 inches of rain just before the 4th so no fires in the area.Glad you are blogging more!Always enjoy them! Im just behind on my commenting!

  5. I see a trend... we might have seen that same trend around here... but I recruited helpers at the gate ;-)
