Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Change of Plans

We spent most of this past weekend prepping for a week of cow works. Yesterday was a busy day at the sale barn and then I planned on feeding the crew for 4 days, with a long day working the Horse Sale on Saturday. Our local quilt show is this weekend and I didn't see any way I was going to find time to even stick my head in the door.

Y'all already know that around here, our plans are often dictated by the weather and with a forecast like this:

our plans have changed. Thankfully, we cancelled before I loaded up with mountains of groceries. And we're praying that we actually get to put these to the test the next couple of days:

The county's been out for 3 weeks working on the road.

This is the first road we've ever lived on that was maintained. I made the maintenance crew a batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies last week. DH said they sure did brag on 'em, but I can't have people hanging around the ranch and not bake something for them.

So, with the change in plans, I have a bit of time to play:

I'm hoping to get the last 2 pieced borders on my Granny Square quilt and get a backing made for it today. And here's hoping the good Lord brings us a gully washer! I won't even complain if it's too wet to go to the quilt show!


  1. My Mom used to bake treats for road crews, mailmen, and guys at the parts and feed stores. They LOVED to see her.

  2. I so hope y'all are blessed with some beneficial rain. I have to admit though, I am a bit jealous of your high and low temperatures. I can't wait until we get there around December:)

  3. Hope you get rain:) I was thinking I would be feeding silage cutters for a few days but now they aren't coming til next week. Just gotta go with the flow:)

  4. Oh I love time to play ( and catch up on my friends) so ... did you get rain?
