Sunday, November 30, 2014

Beware of Snakes

Warning: for those of you who do not want to see a really cool picture of snakes, you may opt out now. For the rest of you, scroll down. I detest rattlesnakes, but those of you who know me or have been reading here for a while, already know that. However, I took this photo the other day and I have to post it because this blog is a journal of what goes on around here and one day future grand kids will think their Pap and Gran were cool for taking pictures like this...or crazy...or both!

It was really cold in the morning and when snakes are cold, they won't move so that's the only reason I got as close as I did. I just took the picture. DH caught them and we added the baseball to give you a perspective. Each snake is 5' long. Anyone wanna play catch?


  1. gee, I thought the snakes would have hibernated or 'denned up' or whatever by now as they don't like cold!

  2. Those guys are huge! We always went to OK during the rattle snake round up. My dad and uncles would go hunting, we would go to the festival, I never could eat the rattle snake meat though. It was a very fun time in their little town. Thanks for the memories.

  3. Big ones!Hope they arent denning up around the headquarters!Do you give your old dog the snake bute vac?

  4. OH MY GOSH KARIN! That gives me the willies just looking at it. WHERE were these critters?

  5. I've seen my share of those guys and practically stepped on one when mowing the lawn one day.

    Is your DH a catch and release kind of guy or "let's have rattler for dinner" kind of guy?

    If my husband had seen this he would have already riddled the computer screen with shells.

  7. I couldn't see their rattlers!! We don't typically see rattlesnakes in our neck of the woods. Glad is was COLD! LOL! :)

  8. soooo, what does does DH do with them after he catches them? And how did you get the baseball in there and not hit one. Last but not least, what was this chest used for? I know I said that was the last, but will they Strike if aggravated even if they are cold? Doesn't that scare the crap out of you
    when you find them like that/ Ok, I'll quit, but that fascinates me as long as it's you and not me.

  9. May I just say, ICK!! Was that a feed box? I take it the picture was after they were dead?

  10. GROSS! What are they in? Did your husband find them in there or pick them up? In Australia we stay far away from snakes, or kill them if your game enough. Not me. I get far away and stand on tables!
