Friday, December 5, 2014

Quality Time with the Backhoe

Around here, Christmas preparations are often interrupted. Yesterday, I had fought my way into the deepest, darkest corner of the shed in an attempt to begin pulling out the boxes of Christmas cheer.

 I had just found the perfect one-footed, tip-toe position in order to reach the box I was after when the phone rang. "Can I get you to...." Many of our conversations begin like that. :)

This time I was called to load up the socket set and drive out until I found him in Mesquite. DH has been logging in lots of extra hours on the tractor. He's been burying water lines and repairing washed out roads:

The old Case Backhoe has seen better days, but it still chugs into action when duty calls. You could say the same thing about me.

Thankfully, I haven't needed to replace my hydraulic fluid line. :) Poor thing had sprung a major leak.

The proper tools were selected:

and DH set to dismantling the bolts:

and lines:

And the culprit was removed:

I'm the official hold-er of loosened pieces and the hand-er of tools. 28 years of marriage has given me the ability to do so before DH even needs to ask.

I guess its not everyone's idea of fun, but I love it. DH always laughs when I say that it is. Is he married to a crazy woman? Perhaps.

We climbed into the pickup, made a flying trip to town, spent less than $200 at NAPA, treated ourselves to a Spicy Chicken Sandwich and Jr Frosty at Wendy's, and headed back out to the tractor.

Before long, the shiny new hydraulic hose:

was installed:

Laundry day's going to be lots of fun!

hydraulic fluid was added:


See, fun:

And after a little TLC,we were back in business.

Even after all these years, I am still in awe of how handy DH is. He is a master at fixing things and building things and I have yet to see him not be able to tackle something successfully whether it be construction, welding, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, farrier, equine, bovine, forage, survival, firearm, or hunting related. He's one smart cookie.

He doesn't do technology, but that's what he's got me for! Well, that and comic relief.


  1. What a fun post!

    My oldest brother was much like your husband: he could confidently tackle and fix any mechanical problem.

  2. same here. i do the tech and he fixes every thing else, second marriage working on 18 years

  3. What would we do without our backhoe men!!???? We went through the hydraulic bit about a month ago and you are right, the laundry was no fun!! LOL!!! He dug our house foundation, all the trenches for water and electrical lines,and did the septic system. Saved us a bunch of money. Think I'll keep him!!!

  4. When I was a child my dad worked for the Case company - that would be in the late 50's! It was fun to see this post. :) blessings, marlene

  5. Your honey and mine sound very similar. Mine can fix just about anything too :) I miss the days when it was me helping him out, now he just hollars for a child. LOL. The youngest one (he's 2) is going to be Daddy's helper for many moons, as he has that same handyman gene. Glad the backhoe is up and running again. Have a great day!

  6. My hubby is not a rancher but grew up in the back country and it always blows my mind what he can turn his hand to doing... If only it was easier to push his start button!

  7. I just love your attitude. Ca you spread it around a bit?

  8. My hubby (of 45 years), is also pretty handy, a retired Sears mechanic, he has fixed most everything we own. We own a much smaller tractor but they are fun! Glad you are such a handy girl yourself and thank you for warning about the snake. They scare me and I have bad dreams. Your posts are so interesting! Have fun with your decorations.

  9. It sounds like a day around here! My dad is the handy one with tractors and such. My husband is great with wood and electrical stuff and many times I get to be his helper.

  10. I suppose your going to keep him considering the time you have invested in him, but what about a rental plan or better yet periodically trading for sort periods of time. Mine can paint (art), play almost any instrument, great with kids (Santa you know), will try and fix anything (but take the hammer away from him} and loves the farm life.

    The more I think about it, guess I'd better keep Don here,he would drive you crazy and I'm use to him. And DH would be board and claustrophobic on our place. So I guess I just wasted your time. But it was fun doing it.

    In case I don't get another chance to say Merry Christmas here is an early one. Be safe and Blessings.

  11. I am really grateful for the abilities Tracy has, I suppose I even take it for granted that he will be able to fix things. He can weld almost anything. But doing carpentry work is an other thing. In his own words he has said "I cut that off 3 times and it is still too short!" But he is learning, he is doing all the remodeling here. And I might add is doing a GREAT job. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
