Tuesday, March 24, 2015

On the Road Again

Don't even come near me with a truck key right now. Last week was a good week, but I logged in many a mile...TOO many...x100.

Saturday we had a special bull sale so I worked and  Monday was a regular sale day so my week began with 2 trips into town.

On Tuesday we packed up and headed 3 hours north for our annual Angus bull sale:

On Wednesday we were in the feed truck all day.

Thursday DH flew to Dallas and we left the house just after 5 to take him to the airport.

Friday our girl and I made an impromptu trip 4 hours south to visit with some professors about their ruminant nutrition program. We left in the dark and we came home in the dark:

Sunday, DH and I drove to my in-laws...2 hours there, 2 hours back

And yesterday, I was back in town for work at the Sale Barn.

If you ask me to go somewhere and I growl at you, I apologize.

I am done.
No mas.

With one exception:  if this fella is the one doing the asking, I'm loading up!


  1. what a BUSY week, hope the sales went well. Now I do hope you get some rest

  2. Yikes, you had a LOT of windshield time!

    Love the photos.

  3. Cute picture!!! I hear ya on the keys...WE did SO much driving last weekend from Houston to Austin to Kerrville and back to Houston all in two days!!!
    Oh, did I mention the 2 hrs commute I had on Monday to work...UGH!
    Love your blog...

  4. Ditto on the driving! blessings, marlene

  5. Karin, how long is the drive to the sale barn? I have to drive an hour one way to get to Fayetteville and my small quilt group is an hour and a half away in Rogers. I listen to books on CDs, but grumble about the time spent driving. BUT, to live in these mountains and not see neighbors or hear their car doors slam is so worth it!!! You two are a cute couple... Maybe don't say cute to him...LOL!!!

  6. I was going to say you guys are too cute, but everyone beat me to it. I do not put a 100 miles on my car in a month. lol

  7. What a lot of driving this week. But the scenery and company was worth it. I think you two are such a well matched couple. Cute picture.

  8. Enough is enough! Hide the keys.

  9. I think that's a lot of driving in one week....we don't do distances like that in Northern Ireland.
    I would love to be wandering down the dirt road to end up at your farm....DH worked for Dept of Agriculture over here and my life has been agriculturally inclined all through our 51 year marriage.
    We have travelled a lot in the U.S. and I can only dream of 10 days worth of rodeo!! We once arrived in Cody to find we'd just missed a lot of rodeo...awful.
    That is a great photo of you two....may God bless you and your family.

  10. Good gravy . . . I'm guestimating about 1,450 miles, give or take. YIKES! I don't blame your for being road weary! I'd have been done in after day two!! :)

  11. Wow, you really did wrack up the miles! Of course, that's kinda easy to do in the southwest and Texas. ;-) I don't blame you for being growly about any more travel. :-)

  12. Such a cute picture! Rancher's wives have to be good shotgun riders:)

  13. Y'all are adorable <3 I love driving but then I live in the city and driving is my quiet time.
