Thursday, April 30, 2015

I Can't Help Myself

Its  that time of the year.
We're scanning the skies for the first buzzard.
We're peering at the mesquite intently, hoping to find a hint of green.
And we're being entertained by these:

I apologize for the overload of calf pictures

Its easy to be brave in Mama's protective shadow

Days like this are just made for soaking up the sun


I don't care how many years go by, I am entranced by their little faces and antics each spring and I never cease to be amazed by God's creation.


How about a slobbery kiss from this little fella?


I just have to share the cuteness.


I can't help myself.



  1. I always loved watching the calves running through the pasture with their tails straight in the air. Such fun!

    What breed are these calves? Some look like Angus; others, Shorthorn.

  2. You are so lucky. I love these pictures and all the pictures you share of your quilts and ranch.


  3. Very baby calves. So cute! Most babies make me want to just pet and cuddle. love the little curly faced one.

  4. Calf faces ARE amongst the cutest things God created; thanks for sharing their sweet faces.

  5. Beautiful little faces!


  6. I love baby faces of any kind and I would love those calves as much as I love seeing chicks at the feed store! I want more every time I'm there!

  7. Now that's one nice herd of "cuteness"! I am also a fan of new calves. So sweet, soft, and CLEAN! LOL

  8. I want to hug them!!! They are SOOOO Cute!!!

  9. I'd take the little white faced one in a heart beat!!! That's the kind of overload that causes stress RELIEF!!! Hope no buzzards show up during calving!

  10. Sweetness is shown on each little face. The curly hair one is my favorite, or is it the one with white on his face, or the reddish brown one - heck, who can choose. They are all keepers.

  11. Those faces are so cute. We used to see free range cattle on land around our home. Every spring there were a few babies born to the most bony skinny looking cows, felt sorry for them. Yours look glossy and healthy. Maybe just different breeds?
    We just had a heavy rain, hope you get plenty of spring rain.

  12. Oh, my goodness, how sweet! I know it's a lot of work having a ranch, but look at the rewards!

  13. I agree with everyone else on the cuteness of calves. They are like watching overgrown puppies playing.
    We had black angus and their faces are sweet even as adults. This brought back memories of being with Dad on the farm, thanks. Great mamories in the making for you and yurs.
