Thursday, June 4, 2015

This Girl...

is a college graduate!

We got up at 3:30 two weeks ago to drive up for the occasion and cheer her across the stage. And yes, we're popping our buttons proud of her, but we always have been. She's a pretty neat kid. And now she's headed to grad school to do research in ruminant nutrition this fall. New school. New adventure, but first a trip to Florida with her best friend. The desert rat wanted to see a white sandy beach and soak up some ocean sun while surfing the waves.  When she got back, the job of packing began. I told her that she was going to be surprised at what she had accumulated and all week she has been sending me texts confirming that she is a pack rat. LOL. She posted this and it made me laugh:

I am a 21 year old college graduate and I have called my mother for her insight a sum total of 5 

times today dealing with everything from moving out of this apartment, looking for a new living 

situation, and making grad school decisions. I also apparently still need her to teach me how to 

clean an oven and to remind me to reapply sunscreen at the beach.

Ya'll... you will never not need your mommy. Just sayin.

It's nice to be needed.

This past weekend we hooked up the horse trailer and headed her way once again to haul 4 years worth of college necessities back to the ranch. Last year I had taken over her closet and installed heavy duty shelving in order to store my fabric stash. I  told her that proof of my love was evident in the fact that I had removed that and given her closet back to her. :)

We are tickled to have her home for a bit before she ventures out for grad school. She was offered a paid assistantship. That's a huge blessing and will be a nice change from being a poor college student who carries 18 hours and juggles an outside job.

The last 4 years were wonderful and the move was bittersweet for her, but this photo sums it up well. She captioned it:
                                                            Next Chapter



  1. Congrats to her! That's wonderful. What a fun time. That's definitely love to give up fabric space! Enjoy your time together!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter and to you and your husband!

  3. Love that smile "then and now". Good to see it has not changed.
    Hope to see it still with the next 12 years!!!

  4. Karin, so sweet that she appreciates Mother's LOVE and WISDOM! I know you and Gary are so proud of her and I say congratulations to the graduate. Hard work.....big reward!!!

  5. Congratulations to the grad... one smart cookie... takes after her mom I'm sure!

  6. Great pictures of then and now. 24 carat smile so similar to yours. Congratulations to her, you and Gary for raising such a great daughter and citizen. She will do well in her chosen field. A&M graduations are the most memorable and inspiring I've ever seen. So happy for you all.

  7. Wow! Congrats to that Ranch Kiddo!!
    Oh wait - she's not such a 'kiddo' anymore is she?!?!
    Wasn't she just helping you start this blog??

    Uh - I just looked back at your first posts - 2007??? No WAY.
    That many years can. not. have gone by already! Lol

    Next chapter indeed!!!

  8. Oh geeze! I love that quilt and guess what, I've GOT TO do it too. I really love the colors of the first quilt. And are they really 2½ strips? You're doing fantastic with your UFO's. Congratulations!

  9. Congratulations to your family Mom and Dad to a girl well raised and to daughter for dedication to school and making Mom and Daddy even more proud of her....if that's possible !

  10. How wonderful to watch your beloved children grow up into successful, happy adults! Congrats to both of you! Daughters are awesome! What a blessing!

  11. I have finally slowed down long enough to catch up with the happenings in your neck of the woods. Ironically, I have been busy because our youngest graduated high school last week and I have been up to my eyeballs in cleaning out her closet and room:) Congratulations to your daughter! She is an awesome example of what well raised ranch kids can do. I'm sure you and your husband are beaming with pride. Our oldest has graduated from college, our middle is in his last year of college and our youngest is starting her new chapter. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with the emotion of it all and then I realize I'm too tired to shed tears:)

  12. Joy - you are showing up as a non-reply blogger so I'm replying back here and hoping you will see it...thank you and LOL...yes, she did egg me on to start blogging. Look what she started! You are right - it doesn't seem like 8 years have gone by since then!

  13. I know yall are very proud of her! What are her career plans? Hope she enjoys her summer,going to work on the ranch?

  14. Awww Congrats... and Dang it - how'd they grow up so fast????
