Sunday, February 28, 2016

Catching Up

I didn't intend to not post these past few weeks, but life has just been busy and I didn't think scrubbing windows was deemed a very blog worthy subject.

The Safari Club had their annual banquet which includes a silent auction and I spent 2 days making 4 trips into town to help organize, set up, and work. We had 400 tickets and sold out so the little Civic Center was packed for 2 nights. Friday night is a casual pizza night and Saturday night is a gussied up night for prime rib:


I made an impromptu trip to see my mom for a week and left early on a Tuesday morning after working a long day at the sale barn on Monday and not getting home until after 9 pm. Then I was back home late on Sunday night and back for a long Monday sale the next day. Then yesterday we had a special Brangus sale and I've been trying desperately to surround myself with an anti-flu shield. Half of my co-workers had  the flu on Monday and the other half had it yesterday. DH sent me a text that simply said, "Disinfect thyself." LOL. He greeted me at the door with hand sanitizer, bleach, vitamin C tablets, and instructions to head straight to the shower. He had the tea kettle whistling when I climbed out. I don't know whether his gestures are due to the fact that I am loved or to the fact that he does not want to catch the flu. *Grin*

We spent one pretty day chasing quail


 and no, I did not shoot these. DH did, but we chased and cleaned them together and he wanted to take a picture of me to share with the kids


We ran the steers through the chute one morning and poured them with an insecticide (Cylence):


DH surprised me on my birthday with a stand that he made to hold bananas:


And a matching paper towel holder:


I love them both and I love that he makes things like this that are useful without me asking.

I've been reading and have made good progress on my 2016 Reading Challenge. I am currently reading Letters of a Woman Homesteader by Elinore Pruitt Stewart , which is not on that list. :)

Now don't gasp. I AM stitching on a binding so hopefully that gets me out of hot water with my quilting friends who have been shaking their fingers at me.


And I think that catches y'all up on recent happenings. Maybe next week will find me turning on the sewing machine!


  1. It sounds like you've had a whirlwind life the past few weeks, Karin. I hope you stay healthy and that your disinfecting did the trick. (I'm sure it was because he loves you!) Great birthday gifts he made you. I hope you had a happy birthday!

    I read Letters... a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. What a strong woman she was. There is a movie, too, but I recommend finishing the book before seeing the movie (if you choose to see it).

    Binding a quilt is still quilting (in my opinion, anyway) -- or at least part of the quilting process.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  2. Hello Karin! I was just wondering where you had got off to. Glad things are going well for you. Hope the visit to your Mom was not because of something wrong. Happy belated birthday, love your gifts your honey made you! Have a great day.

  3. You have been very busy. Hope you killed the flu germs.

  4. My goodness, I am tired just reading about your life! You are one "on the go" woman!
    What wonderful birthday gifts your hubby made!

  5. I assume you had to sanitize yourself because you spent time around people? I laughed at that one. I love your Virthday presents and Happy Birthday!! I'm headed home this Thursday and my hubby is so glad. He said 2 weeks is too long. How about you, could you be gone from the ranch and your hubby for 2 weeks? I am happy your sewing mojo is back. Have fun.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Never too late for good wishes. I see you're just a busy as ever, and I agree binding is still quilting. Are you finding this a good book? I'm looking for mysteries and suspense/action and or romance novels written for a christian audience. I'm no longer comfortable with most of the current popular authors as it seem everyone has turned to supernatural, blatant sex and blood and guts to win and keep their readers. Any suggestions?
    Glad to see your snow finally melted. It has been pretty here lately. Snow coming but won't stick,yea!

  7. No hot water here - I love all the other stuff yo do to! Tell DH - Way to go - boht on the birds and the handy house items!! Those are great!

  8. So glad you're back on the blog. So glad everything is ok too. Your DH is a talented man, love the horse shoe item and love to see them white when so many shoe items are painted black. Hope you had a very happy birthday, and add my belated well wishes. I'm back making quilts again! Took a small break that was frustrating, so back to what feels good.

  9. I missed you,but totally understand. I have not been too active on the blog either. Love your birthday gifts from hubby. Happy belated BD to you too. Putting on binding is absolutely part of the quilting process. Hope you avoided the flu that was going around.
