Thursday, May 5, 2016

Morning Visitors

DH helped the neighbors 3 days this week. That means the alarm is set for 2:30 a.m. and that makes for a long day. I know what you're thinking, and yes, any sane person would crawl back into bed after he left at 3, but I never claimed to be sane. :) But I sure do seem to get a lot done on days like this. This morning I was at the sewing machine at 3:30, but today's post is not about sewing.

We've been without Internet service since Saturday and the technician was scheduled to come out this morning. I've been procrastinating about mowing and thought I'd tackle that as soon as the sun came up, while I waited for him.

When I walked out to let the chickens out and roll out the mower, I spotted these antelope grazing in the cool air and soaking up the early morning sun. So I naturally ran to the house for my camera:

The air was so sweet this morning. They paid little attention to me as I snapped a few frames:

This one looks like he's whispering, "What kind of critter do you reckon SHE is?"

I couldn't believe how docile they were as I slowly approached them. I was only about 20' from them:


They continued to graze and go about their business


As I kept walking towards them, they kept walking towards me and that really surprised me! I think I may have stopped breathing as they continued to walk closer.

Once we were about 10' apart, I stopped and just soaked them in, along with the glorious morning... my lawn mower forgotten.


 I was out there for over an hour before a pair of rabbits hopped between us and they turned their fluffy white rumps to me and trotted off.

This morning was such a gift and what a spectacular start to the day!


  1. Wow! What a fantastic experience! If you put a salt block out there do you think they'd return? I would have forgotten everything but this experience for the rest of the day, maybe for the rest of the week! Have you ever seen an antelope jump a fence? I've heard they don't, but never really checked it out with Dr. Google.

  2. Beautiful. So glad you were able to see them and capture it for all of us to see.

  3. What an experience! Thanks for the wonderful sight!

  4. isn't nature grand…i watched a doe chase a fox around the pasture 2 days ago…that little mischievous fox would run to the other side of the tree…that deer kept trying to get at it until the fox just headed into the bush…

  5. Wow, how cool is that!! What alovely morning for you. LOL, I must be pretty insane then, I get up at 3:30 every morning ;) It's MY quiet time...before the rugrats get up. Have a great day.

  6. Mornings like that are a gift from God! blessings, marlene

  7. It would be amazing to be so close to these wild animals. Lucky you!
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @
