Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Rodeo Baby Quilt Finished

I'm still not getting a whole lot of sewing done, but it feels good to be working on things again. Those 3 a.m. mornings give me some extra sewing time. I've still had the odd day of cooking for the crew and my lawn mower is getting a workout, but when Jackie called and told me she had 2 baby quits ready for me a few weeks ago, I pushed things aside and stitched the binding to the front of this quilt. It took me a week to hand stitch it to the back, but I finally finished it.

This cute pattern is by Shelly of Prairie Moon Quilts. It's a free pattern she designed for Riley Blake and I knew I had to make it as soon as I saw it even though she shared it last year and it's taken me this long to finish it.

 I made this one for a baby boy with fabrics from my stash, but my coworker made one for a baby girl and I hope to make one too. Tis' the season for babies around here. Here's a link to the free tutorial

Rodeo Baby

I pieced the back and included an extra block I had

And here's a good look at the fun pattern Jackie quilted on it

This one makes up to a nice size - 48x66" that will be useful as the baby grows which we all know happens overnight. I'm actually saving this one for a little boy when he's 4 or 5.



  1. Great looking quilt Karin. Glad you're finding a few minutes of sewing time, here and there.

  2. This is beautiful...love the back and the quilting!

  3. I have to stop looking at your blog!! Now I have another quilt to add to the looonnnnnnggggg list of my want to sew but never get it done quilts!!! What a cute quilt:) I love the star block too.

  4. Great job!

    I agree, this would be the perfect size for a toddler. Thanks for the pattern link.

  5. so very cute!!! 3am mornings....blech

  6. Really fun! That size would even make a good lap quilt or throw.

  7. It came out so cute! I love your version -- can't wait to see the girl one.

  8. Your red, white, and blue color choices are perfect. Some boy will love this quilt when he gets it.

    It's hard to imagine the 3 a.m. mornings. Sometimes I'm just getting to bed at 2 a.m.! (I'm trying to change my bedtime. Hopefully it's slowing evolving to a consistently earlier hour.)

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com)
