Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Coop Full of Characters

I'm going to apologize in advance for the photo overload today and yes, ya'll are probably thinking I need to get out more if I spend my mornings taking pictures of guineas, but it's not such a bad gig when you get to capture faces like this:

It was time to release the guineas into the chicken coop, but we had some mending to tend to first. The trees had torn out the rusted out chicken wire covering the coop and that really wasn't a problem until we got guineas because guineas can fly while chickens can't.  The guineas aren't quite ready for that much freedom so we fixed the coop on Father's Day:

The guineas were all a twitter about their newfound freedom and they gathered in the nesting boxes to discuss whatever guineas discuss:

It must have been a riveting conversation:

They actually took over the roost and the chickens have been demoted to the lower rungs:

Looks like trouble comes in threes these days:

They had a few standoffs, but peace reigns in the feathered community these days although the big chickens still get dibs on the watermelon:

Here they are bellied up to the water bar...must be happy hour:

They do everything together and run around in a tight knit group:

Their little faces make me laugh:

This one looks like he is bobbing for apples:

Are you looking at me kid?

How can you not love a face like this?

Hope your day is filled with things that make you smile too!


  1. I've never really thought of chicken as cute but after seeing your photos, Karin, they've gone up the ladder in cuteness. It's interesting that they stay so close together and amazing that they had stand-offs with the larger chickens. Are these full grown, now?
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  2. You captured some fun photos of them, but in my mind I can still hear all the noise they used to make when they ran as a pack around our farmyard! : )

  3. Such a cute bunch. I would waste a lot of time just watching their miming too. Thanks for sharing the photos. I had a good laugh this laugh. Enjoy them. ;^)

  4. I can't believe they have gotten so big. It seems you only got them a couple week ago. I don't remember ours having such cute stripped faces. In fact I think they had red bulbous faces, maybe I'm getting them confused with the geese. I'm curious as to what you're going to do with so many.

  5. These cute little guys gave me a chuckle or two. BTW, in the last photo? --that little guy reminds me of my FIL, may he rest in peace.

  6. Made me smile! I enjoy Guineas, but alas the main man doesn't care for their noisy renditions! Enjoy them for me!

  7. I've never seen Guineas up close and personal before. Never knew anyone who owned them. I agree, they are cute little birds and their faces make me smile too. I didn't know that got along so well with chickens. Do you eat their eggs like chickens too?
