Friday, June 3, 2016

The Great Guinea Fowl Adventure Begins

DH has wanted guineas for a few years now and the seed store called last Friday to say they were in. I am happy with my chickens, and didn't really care one way or the other if we had guineas so I told DH these were his guineas. He told me that I had been designated as Director of the Ranch Poultry Division. LOL. That man!

 I figured they were like baby chicks,but they are smaller and their markings are so pretty!

and they require a different starter. They need more protein so we feed them a turkey / game bird starter that is 30% protein and non medicated

Baby guineas are called keets.

There are 25 keets in 1/4 of this box:


They are tiny:

So after only a few days of emptying the brooder, it is once again full.

We have 3 different varieties. Most of them are helmeted guineas. They are the most common and we saw them in Africa.Then we've got a few white ones and a few purple ones:

They are hard to capture in photos - they are busy little things:

They are good insect eaters, snake deterrents, and guard dogs...with feathers. :)

So the great guinea fowl adventure is underway!


  1. Awwww!! so cute Karin. Have fun with them! My dh has been saying for awhile he wants some too. LOL to your 'new' title ;)

  2. They are so cute! Some pictures look like an ocean of feathers and beaks. Adorable!
    Good luck with the new brood. Congrats on the new title, lol. ;^)

  3. They're adorable. I didn't realize guineas were different colors.

  4. Have fun with your new adventure. All I know about guineas is that they grow up to be noisy birds. Hope that isn't a problem for you. My BIL raised them on the family farm for a year or so and they were kept in an area between the three family homes. You couldn't escape their noise. He went from one extreme to another. When he decided to sell the guineas he got quackless ducks instead. On a quiet day you could hear their bills flapping but no sound came out. : )

  5. Thats funny quackless ducks. But she is right about the noise, but to their credit ours only made a racket when someone or thing came on the property they did not think belonged there. They also like to play chicken with cars
    coming up the lane. We actually lost a few that way. I'm saying we but they were actually were the neighbors, they just thought they lived here. Oh, I forgot they will roost
    in the trees if not acclimated to the hen house early on.
    And if there is much drama in the hen house again they head for the trees. His were grown when he got them, you should be fine starting with the chicks. Are you going to see if any of the hens will take them under wing? We have one broody hen that will mother anything. These should be fun to follow to adulthood. From this side anyway.

  6. I meant to ask are yours free range?

  7. I love your new title!! You will be an even busier lady! Have fun and enjoy them. Anything to help with snakes is ok in my book. Sewing will be part time now🐓🐂

  8. So cute! It must be fun to watch them grow.

  9. SO cute! There really are great guards, make lot's of racket when anything new alarms them. Sure hope the coons don't get them, they would here. Would love to see a full grown purple guinea.

  10. my friends had some…someone's dog got in the bird house and killed most of them so they are left with 3 males who they have nicknamed "the three tenors"

  11. I LOVE my guineas! They ARE great bug eaters, and definitely let you know if something is amiss in their world -- LOUDLY! The coyotes got a few of mine, so I'm down to three, but would love to get some more soon.
