Monday, August 22, 2016

Hand Stitched Stars Progress

Before I went down to help my mom as she recovered from hip replacement surgery,  I cut strips:

and prepped some a lot of diamonds and hexies for my EPP projects:

I am still smitten with these little diamonds

 and feel a little sense of accomplishment with the completion of each star:

The bright stars will have diamonds chaining them together using Kona Snow:

While the reproduction stars are being stitched to hexies using Kona Natural:

The lighting in my mom's living room is not conducive to hand stitching so I bought this Beam and Read. I've heard it's what all the "in-the-know" quilters are wearing these days, and although I've never been one to follow trends, I'm smart enough to know a good thing when I see it and this little gadget is mighty handy!

I don't know how big these projects will be and there is no deadline. These are long-term projects to be pulled out when life calls for a little hand stitching


  1. Very nice Karin! I hope your Mom is recovering well.

  2. The stars look great. I don't have the patience for EPP.

  3. EPP makes for a good travel stitching project. Interesting how you have chosen to assemble the two sets differently. I would never have thought of that. : )

  4. Lovely stars. I have such projects when life as me to stay put for a long time. (Dr's waiting room, on bus, waiting for son somewhere) It's efficiently wasting time or putting wasted time to good use. lol. No dead line is the best way to go. One day, it will be done. They will look very awesome too. ;^)
    Hope your Mom has a speedy recovery. Sending prayers.

  5. hand stitching can be so relaxing...i find it a form of mediation almost

  6. Those are some cute little star hexies. I'm resisting the temptation to start any hexie project. I use my sock knitting for my handwork when I need a break from other things.

  7. I love your EPP stars. I am doing the same star pattern that you are using for the brights. I am using a buttercup yellow background with all blue stars. I have about 120 different blues. I have been working on it for almost 2 years now and am about 1/2 done stitching the stars to the background. It is such a relaxing project and I know I will start another when I'm done this one. I am doing a small project using 1/2" hexies that I keep in my go bag for Dr. appointments and taking my grands to and from school.

    I LOVE reading your blog updates.


  8. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netAugust 22, 2016 at 8:41 PM

    How big are your diamonds? Mine are two inch. I thought about joining them using more diamonds, but I have the hexies from another project so I am going with hexies. I actually stitched several stars during the Olympics but have many many more to go:). Like you, there is no deadline.

  9. Gotta love hand stitching. Your diamond stars will be awesome in the florals. Hope your mom is recovering well.

  10. I've never tried EPP but I imagine that those who do piece that way must be very patient and accurate stitchers. Your stars look great both ways, Karin.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,
