Thursday, October 20, 2016

Fall Works Continued

Seems I just haven't been able to carve out much computer time lately, hence I'm only now getting my 2nd post up abut last week, this week. Be forewarned that there are a lot of photos in this post. Ya'll know I tend to get a little camera happy when they let me out of the kitchen.

We fought the fog all last week. On Thursday, it was accompanied by an inch of rain that started as the crew jingled in the door for breakfast. It just sat over the top of us for a couple of hours and the stories flew around the dining room table for almost 3 hours as the thunder boomed and the lightening cracked close enough to make the hair on my head stand up. The electricity went out 2 or 3 times, but never for too long. I told them if they were feeling restless I would gladly put them on kitchen duty. Luckily, for them, the storm moved off, but it came close to shutting us down for the day. They were a jovial bunch though, as rain is always a cause for celebration around here:

Our last day to work, was Saturday and the fog once again delayed the boys' morning start. I hauled them to the east end of the ranch where they were going to gather Antelope (a pasture, not the animal) :) Still, once we arrived at the drop off point, the fog kept the crew from heading out for a couple of hours.

So what do cowboys do, when they are idle?

They talk about the weather, cattle prices, pasture conditions and the best horse they ever owned:

They tell stories:

that make everyone break out in laughter:

It's not a bad way to spend a morning:

Our girl was able to sneak away from her graduate studies for 2 days in order to help on the last day of weaning:

She's in her element when she's in the saddle:

Finally, the sun began to work it's magic in the east and DH led the way:

Once the fog lifted, the prettiest fall morning you ever saw was upon us:

And the boys and their horses were raring to go:

And they're probably happy to be escaping the range of my camera lens:

 I wasn't in any hurry to head back to the house:

SO very thankful to the good Lord for allowing us to live this lifestyle:

And for this fella:

I am just a tiny bit smitten with him:


  1. He is quite a handsome cowboy. I understand you being smitten with him. (;^D) Your fall season is so different than mine. I posted pictures this morning of my neighbourhood. If you have a few free minutes, come visit a little village in Canada.
    Thanks for sharing. ;^)

  2. Great photos. I would like to see your country.

  3. The weather controls so much of what ranchers and farmers can do. When things are out of our control, we need to find gratitude in the moment, and it looks like your crew made the most of the situation and the elements.

    Glad your daughter was able to come home and help for a couple of days.

  4. This post made me smile. You do have a good life. : )

  5. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It is so far removed from my own. In fact, I didn't even realize cowboys still existed except at rodeos! I love that you cherish your life and family as you do, and look forward to your posts. Its funny, I started reading for your quilting content but find your ranch life posts so fascinating.

  6. I love how you capture the horses looking at the camera as if they offer a comment. It's truly a wonderful life for those strong enough. I would love to visit your place sometime next year on our trailer travels in the Midwest. I have only been in a horse once and I was too small to remember. You bring us right into your life and we thank you.

  7. So glad yall are getting moisture!Even that fog helps and sure makes it feel like fog.Can see why you are smitten with your cowboy! I am kinda smitten with his roan horse!Glad your girl could make it in,is she still able to keep a horse at school with her. he looks pretty happy! Have a blessed day.I am actually reading in the day time due to a nasty tummy bug.

  8. I sure do understand the celebration rain causes. We are forty days into drought. Ugh. There's a statewide burn ban, which is very unusual for us! It rained briefly (and really, I do mean briefly) on Thursday. My folks said they went out onto their back porch and just sat there and watched it, it had been so long! And while it wasn't nearly enough, it did usher in much appreciated cooler temps. We'd been in the 90's until then. NOW it's fall! LOL!

    I sure enjoyed this post. People are people, right? Love the pic of the horsey getting his/her hair done! :)

  9. Oh I love it!!! The fog the rain and the stories!!! I am not sure about it raining before everyone has to come in the house though - do you get them to take their boots off???? ;-)
