Friday, February 17, 2017

What I've Been Up To

As per my usual routine, I've been sneaking in some sewing here and there, as time allows. I finished my Valentine's Day table runner and it graced the buffet in the dining room for a few days:

Then I pressed my Color Box top and cut the backing. I found this wide backing online and bought 5 yards - enough for 2 quilts:

I picked through my scrappy bin of strips and made the binding:

Then I pressed all of my 9-patch blocks for another scrappy quilt. I think I'm going to set them with Navy and white hourglass blocks and bind it in Navy.  So I set about to cutting squares for that and made a few blocks:

Our Quilt Squad group is meeting tomorrow, but I have to bow out. I do need to run into town right quick to run some errands and drop off a Crock-pot of  Taco Soup for my fellow stitchers before heading back home:

My washing machine refused to agitate on Tuesday and although DH is a master at fixing these sorts of things, I wasn't about to let him tie into it with his back giving him fits so we loaded it into the truck and hauled it town. Yes, he and I lifted it into the truck. They had to order the part so here's hoping I get it back before I have to find a river and beat our clothes against a rock. I'm very thankful that they are able to repair it though and I don't have to shell out money for a new one! I am currently reading a book called "Nothing to Tell: Extraordinary Stories of Montana Ranch Women and I am very thankful for a lot of modern conveniences right now!

DH's back is really out of whack so I've been trying to help out. He would call it hovering. :) I know he's hurt because this man never complains when he's sick or hurt. Hurt or not, cattle must be fed and when there are about 600 hd on this side of the ranch and 64,000 acres, it takes a good while. Throw in the fact that you cannot sit or lay down in any position to alleviate the pain and you have a man who does what it takes:

I finally fussed enough that he let me drive and he stood in the back of the truck. He'll be fine. Just going to take some time and prayer.

Then one of these fellas decided to take up residence in a pair of  my britches on Thursday and when I pulled them on, he stung me on my leg and gave me an extra good whip with his nasty tail on my finger. OWIE!

Now I'm off to finish cleaning out the deep freeze. We've got a beef ready to pick up!


  1. Your Valentine runner turned out very nicely.
    I really love the 9-patch blocks with the hourglass blocks. A classic scrap quilt look!
    Your hubby's back is that bad and the two of you lifted the washer into the truck? Yikes!
    Looks like there is never a dull day in your life. How frequently do you find such claim jumpers in your clothes? And how long do their stings last?
    Hope you are both doing better now!

  2. Oh Karin!! OUCHY on the sting, poor girl! And if your honey has a bad back, why the heck is he lifting washer machines!! Tsk, tsk.. but your honey sounds like mine... you got to do, what you got to do. That looks like a good book. I just finished one that is second in a series about a woman in the early 1900s on a Arizona ranch. The first book is called "I wrote these words". A very good read. Take care.

  3. Ouch! Hope that sting doesn't hurt too long. Love the Valentine's Day runner and your other quilt. I'm thinking about quilting.... LOL

  4. Sending prayers for your hubby. I have back problems since I'm 20 y.o. so I can relate very well. I understand the "can't sit" kind of pain. It is worst for men as their upper body is heavier than a woman's. Heat pad or electric pad helps ... sometimes. Love the 9-patch quilt. That sounds like a book I would like to read too. Thanks for sharing. ;^)

  5. I love the hour glass quilt you are making. With a bad back I wouldn't have lifted a washer, but I know men are stubborn. Can he get any relief from a Dr.?

  6. The hour-glass blocks look great with the nine-patch blocks. It will be a striking quilt.

    The demands of ranch life makes it difficult to deal with a bad back. With your help (hovering) I'm sure your husband will feel better soon.

    I'm not fond of the little critter you found in my britches. Some took up residence in one of my classrooms. Made it interesting to reach for books on shelves until the custodians took action.

  7. Love the tablerunner and the vignette you put together. Sorry to hear your DH is in pain... I'll say an extra prayer that he's feeling better soon. And yes what would we do without modern conveniences? I love my washer and dryer...LOL!

  8. Wow! You have so much land! So much work as a ranch wife! And I can't keep my little house cleaned. Today is my Sabbath and I will make special prayer. Blessings to you both.

  9. Cute Valentine runner. I love the HST alternate block for your 9 patches. That's a great idea that I might steal when it comes time to use up my 9 patches. Sorry to hear your DH is having pain in his back. Picking up a heavy washer might not have helped though. Your taco soup looks yummy. I'll check to see if you have a recipe on your blog. Don't work too hard and get yourself down in the back with all the extra lifting and chores you are doing, It would not be good for both of you to be down at the same time.

  10. Hey Karin, YOu can get reasonably priced tens units now that can help with the back spasms now at the drugstores. It sure help with the pain. Hope you get some help getting it back on and off the truck.
    I thought those nasty little creatures were very poisonous.
    I think the navy hourglass really sets off the 9 patches. While simple, a great looking quilt. My style 8-)

  11. I'm reading the same book and have one more woman to read about--and I don't want it to end. I bought the book last fall in Glacier National Park when we were visiting there and put it in my DIL's stocking for Christmas----but told her I wanted to read it when she finished. It's a great book as I am imagining my grandmothers as they would be about the age of these women. Such hard working women and confirms what I say often, "I would not make a good pioneer woman!"

  12. You go, girl! You do more than just about anyone I know, Karin. I'm so sorry about he bites from a scorpion. (That is a scorpion, right?) Did they hurt for long? Your table runner looks beautiful and I especially love your bright 9-patch blocks. Nothing to Tell looks like an interesting book. I've read several books about women homesteaders/pioneer women. One of my favorite it Letters of a Woman Homesteader by Elinore Pruitt Stewart. In fact, you remind me of her. I hope your husband's back feels better soon. How awful that he can't sit or lie down. How does he sleep?! And I hope your washing machine is back and working properly by now.

  13. Greg has trouble with his back too. We were told about these from our PA, and they really help with the pain. They are expensive unless you use this coupon. YOu can only use the coupon once a year.
    If you can find a chiropractor that knows this that is what helped Greg the most he went from being bed ridden for days to 95% good all the time. We owe it to our nucca chiropractor.

  14. Ouch!! Mean old thing! I'm sorry you got stung.
    I hope your husband is feeling better, poor man!

    I do love your little runner! Very sweet!

    Navy was a great choice to add with the scraps. It will be a beautiful quilt.
