Saturday, September 23, 2017

Life is Busy, But, Yes, I Remember How to Sew

I actually started this post a week ago and happened and posting did not.

 I had to blow some dust off of my sewing machine case last week, but I was determined to get some sewing in for National Jelly Roll Day. I keep it covered during these long, dry spells when it may be weeks before I darken the doorway of my sewing space.

We've just been so busy outside. One day I might be helping DH with more plumbing,

and more plumbing

we are both ready to put a close to the plumbing season

then I'm working at the sale barn, or cleaning out the camp man's house, or a hauling a beef to be butchered, or tending to yard work and getting sidetracked by tiny little creatures. Can you spot him?

He was barely the size of a quarter

But he kind of made me happy

or making a trip to take care of a little boy for a few days while his mommy gets well and suddenly a week has vanished and it's the middle of September. Speaking of - this was my picture of the day on Thursday, 10 days ago

Really?! The middle of September? Please send fall.

However, a week ago, on Saturday, I got to sew. I wanted to just sew up a storm with some scraps, but I have that 4-Corners quilt that I wanted to make for a Christmas gift and it has been neglected all cotton picking summer. I have GOT to get back to it!

So after a pillowcase

or two

I intended to buckle down, but it WAS National Jelly Roll Day so I caved and dug out a project bin that held this:

Edited to add pattern information :) The quilt shop has these for $2, but the owner just threw mine in for free that day:

I used a jelly roll of  One For You, One For Me by Pat Sloan and a yellow Grunge for the background. It didn't take long to cut:

And before long it was pieced and ready to be pressed:

This is the first time I have sewn with batiks. The colors are so fun and cheerful and I can see using this pattern again although I would of course, make it bigger and I like the rows horizontally instead of vertically so I would need another jelly roll or just 2 1/2" strips.

We're gearing up to work the Corriente's starting on Monday. Then we'll have another week to wean the beef cattle starting on the 9th. If I can have that 4 Corners top finished by the 6th, I will be thrilled because if I wait until after that 2nd week of works, I know that I will be too wore out to do much of anything. Must focus!


  1. I just finished a QOV made with batiks, and I must admit that I'm growing to like them. At first, the texture didn't appeal, but I'm starting to change my opinion.

    Can you share the name of the pattern you used for the jelly roll quilt?

  2. LOVE the jelly roll quilt..what pattern did you use? I intended to participate on jelly roll day but then I just didn't!

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Karin: I can't believe all you get done! Your are a powerhouse of energy. Love that photo of Skeet and I'm ready for fall, too. It's been in the 90s with humidity almost as high this past week. (But I guess the trade-off was that the week before it was in the 60s.) Fall will come ... eventually.

  4. This quilt is fabulous!!! Yellow Grunge... be still my heart!!! I am very impressed that you squeezed this in with all you have going on. You make me tired just reading about all your jobs... take care... I hope Fall comes soon too. I've had enough of the hot weather.

  5. You have been missed. Such a joy for a blog to be up today. Happy face here.

  6. It is very pretty! I did not sew on that particular day. I'm so proud of you!!! I am sorry about your heat. We are currently at 7,000 feet in the California Sierras where the temps are in the 40's with snow! Hubby is hunting.

  7. Very pretty quick quilt. That is a great pattern to use up some scraps from my stash, NEXT YEAR!! I hear what you are saying about life happens. You still get more done that most. Fall is on it's way soon.

  8. How in the world did you spot that little frog. Hope things slow down and cool off soon for youall soon. You know Christmas is around the corner. That was evil of me wasn't it. Sorry "sorta". Gotta start thinks about it sooner or later.
