Sunday, December 3, 2017

Still Working Through November

The days and weeks just keep marching on and I just keep falling further behind. Each day I intend to get something posted and each day it doesn't happen. Everyone else is running full speed ahead into Christmas and I haven't even posted since the middle of November. So, I'm going to start where I left off and hope that I'm not posting about Christmas when Easter rolls around. :)

I hope that, for those of you who celebrate it, ya'll had a blessed Thanksgiving. It was such a pretty day here. Our girl came home late Wednesday for quick visit. She had to leave out on Friday morning, as she is on the downhill slide to defending her Masters Thesis and until then, her head is under water.

Our boy, his sweet girl and little T, went to Albuquerque to spend the holiday with the other set of grandparents. They have been here for every holiday and gathering for the past 2 years and although we miss them, it is only fair to share them with the rest of the family. :)

I spent Wednesday in the kitchen in an attempt to keep from spending Thursday there. We are a traditional family when it comes to Thanksgiving. The only change I made this year was to cook the stuffing in one of my cast iron skillets:

On Wednesday I made the Cranberries, rolls, vegetable casserole, chopped everything for the stuffing, boiled eggs for deviled eggs, and baked the Pumpkin and Pecan pies. That only left mashed potatoes, turkey, and stuffing for Thursday, allowing me to spend lots of time with DH and our girl. Even though it was just the 3 of us, I wanted enough leftovers to send home with our girl and for us for a few days. We love Thanksgiving leftovers.

A little quail hunting took place

And jerky making commenced

And I decided to partake in Bonnie Hunter's On Ringo Lake Mystery this year so I pulled fabrics:

 I know I'll fall behind fast, the closer we get to Christmas, but I'm just going to have fun.

I put together a little package for a sweet little girl who is dealing with some health issues. She loves unicorns and I made a lined drawstring bag with one fabric to hold a gift and a unicorn pillowcase with another:

I am binding a baby quilt. I tried to machine bind it, but I don't like the way it turned out so I need to rip it out and either try again, or hand stitch it:

I pulled fabrics and made one block for a scrappy Christmas quilt I've been wanting to make:

and no, it won't be done this year. I also pulled and cut fabrics for a disappearing 9-patch

It seems I'm trying to make up for lost time in the stitching department. I made zero progress last week, but that's another post and hopefully it'll not be far behind.


  1. Well, THANK HEAVENS!! I've been checking to see if you'd posted and was getting to the point of checking to see if you were OK. That is VERY impressive that your DD is coming to the end of her Masters stuff. What a buggar. Were any quail obtained? I too started on a Christmas quilt for next year (maybe) and resumed work on a quilt along. Sounds like a wonderful, quiet Thanksgiving.

  2. Whew! You are one busy woman! Glad you shared your son with the other Grandparents. Wise of you to cook ahead and share with your daughter. Thanksgiving leftovers are quite tasty. The next few days and weeks will be busy, I try to find time each day to enjoy something or someone about the day.

  3. Maybe this is going to show up twice, erase one if there are two from me. It is amazing all that you get done, it looks like your Thanksgiving was wonderful with great food and getting to visit with your daughter. Love your fabric choices for On Ringo Lake, Bonnie is such a wonderful person. great finished and unfinished projects. take care from Iowa

  4. It's good to hear you had a Happy Thanksgiving, Karin, and glad your girl could be home. These days, I take every moment I can get with my daughters and grands.

    My husband and I love Thanksgiving dinner leftovers, too. I can eat turkey and the fixings for a week, but not so the rest of our family.

    Your jerky looks good. Do you marinate, or rub, or ....? I've never made jerky but enjoy eating it.

    Bonnie's mystery quilt is tempting me this year but I haven't quite caved to doing it. I'm going to wait one more week to see the next clue and then I may join in.

    I hope you'll show us the baby quilt when you finish it. Sorry you have to rip out the binding seam. It's always a disappointment when a quilt seems so close to a finish.

  5. Stuffing is one of my holiday favorites. My sister's family doesn't like it, so I've been going through withdrawals. I'm staying home for Christmas and there WILL be stuffing!

    I love the colors for BH's mystery, but her quilts have too many pieces for me. I'm overwhelmed just reading the first two clues.

  6. Ah, Karin, keeping up a mind boggling pace, as usual! Your Thanksgiving cooking sounds very similar to mine, but we had a gathering of 20 at my older sister's home. I just had to cook some of most everything to make sure it was gluten free. :)
    You are brave to take on Bonnie's mystery with all else you have going. I would definitely fall behind, too. The difference between us is that when I fall behind, I give up.
    You always find such fun projects.
    Hope you get the binding issue resolved to your satisfaction.

  7. It’s wonderful you are doing ok. I can’t keep up with my blog. I restart all the time! I had planned to sew some pillow cases today and my husband took the generator with the truck so it’s another day of no sewing. We are camping at the beach so maybe I will walk down. It’s cold. I look forward to spring. Have fun sewing. I sure hope I can tomorrow.

  8. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netDecember 4, 2017 at 12:39 PM

    Good to hear from you. You keep pretty busy! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. In Illinois we would have 38-40 for dinner, but our space is smaller here in Alabama. This year we had 19 total. 5 were family (including us), and 14 were International students at the University of Alabama. Like you, we do most of the prep on Wed. We even roast the turkey and carve it on Wednesday, and then on Thursday we put the slices in the roaster, pour hot broth over it, and warm it. The students were from China, Taiwan, India, Nigeria, and Germany. It is always a lot of fun. Love your fabrics for the Bonnie Hunter mystery QAL.

  9. I was thinking about you today and, lo, a post appears!! So glad you had a good Thanksgiving with DH and the Girl! I love the colors in Bonnie's new mystery, but I'm waiting for a few more clues. She likes a lot of little pieces and I'm on a mission to finish some Christmas gifts I'd like to gift THIS year!!!

  10. Have lots of fun with the BH mystery - we can finish ours together ( in two ish years ha ha) Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy every minute of it!!

  11. I thought you pictures of the Farmers' Market looked familiar and then I saw the one of the bookstore . -- I live in that city! I've eaten a mountain of the Southwest Kettle Corn and spent lots of time in COAS. Not familiar with Chala's but will try it soon.

    Quilting blogs are so informative!

