Thursday, February 15, 2018

February Days

You would think that the cold winter months would coincide with more blogging, but that doesn't seem to be the case around here. We're doing our best to keep up with Skeet:

It's been an unusual winter. Single digit days mixed in with high 70's from one day to the next and not a drop of moisture since the first week in October. It's dry and dusty. Praying for rain has once again become the main topic of conversation around these parts. 2017 was a good year and we are thankful that we went into the winter with good grass, but it didn't take long for us to become spoiled and now we're searching the skies for rain clouds...again. Rest assured, Skeet and Harvey are on the job:


The feed truck's been making regular trips down our dirt road:


 And DH is spending a lot of time filling the feed wagon


We're hoping we won't be doing this come June:


One weekend we made a road trip in search of a place for our girl to set up camp in preparation for her new job. We were successful and next week we'll make a return trip to get her moved.


Then this last weekend we worked the annual Safari Club Banquet.


It's a 2 day affair and this year it was held in a neighboring town, as our Civic Center is in the process of being renovated and not available for events.


 Lots of folks made hotel reservations, but we had to come back and tend to livestock during the day. We enjoyed the weekend, but this old gal is wore out after 2 late nights in a row.

And I'll close out today's post on a sweet note: babies are beginning to hit the ground!


I'll be back tomorrow to catch you up with an Under the Needle report.


  1. The calf is so cute!! Looks like busy is the only mode you have right now. Praying for rain in your area!

  2. Hope ya'll get your rain..we need it badly as well. But I don't have to worry about herds and all. So glad ole Skeet's got his eyes on things. LOL And happy for you guys that the girl's getting into her next stage and she's got a place.

  3. My parents had their first calf yesterday. A black half-baldie heifer. They, too, are scary-dry. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...

  4. I'm starting to see babies in the fields here, too. It's one of my favorite parts of spring.

  5. Sorry about no rain. We are dry too and it is predicted to be coming for the next 4 or 5 days along with with cooler temps. Today we broke a record--something close to 80 or over. Tomorrow the high is 35-40. That little calf is a cutie for sure.

  6. And we are praying for snow to accumulate in the mountains for the coming water needs! One of our warmest, dryest winters ever. :(
    Hope you get the rain you need--Skeet needs a rest!
    Cute little calf.

  7. Ahhh Babies!! and congrats on the Daughters job!! Yay her!! and we are right with you on the rain thing.... grass has been planted on an easement and it sure would be great to get a little moisture to pop it up in the spring ;-)

    Rest up!! you have quilting to catch up on! Ha ha!

  8. With ya on the praying for rain!!
