Thursday, February 22, 2018


Our girl has been in limbo since the first of the year. She says she's been a homeless vagabond since then. She defends her Masters Thesis on Monday. It's 75 pages of scientific research that required her to spend countless hours, weeks, and months holed up in a lab

and windowless office.

 She says she's become vitamin D deficient and is in desperate need of sunshine. She received her edits from her adviser yesterday afternoon and headed home. DH had to make a trip to town to pick up the welder from the shop and I jumped in with him  so I could pick up the U-haul. We planned on loading everything last night and heading out at 4 this morning, but the state she is moving to is covered in ice today. Plans postponed. Not a problem except for the fact that we only have the U-haul  until Saturday and she has to be back to defend her thesis on Monday morning. Really, she has to be back on Sunday and it's 11 hours between her new place and the University. Of course, safety is our first concern so we're in waiting mode. We'll load up today and play the rest of it by ear. She had a meeting to attend on Thursday afternoon with her new place of employment and another all day on Friday, but they were both cancelled due to weather. I told her she can now spend the day with her daddy, soaking up the cloudless, sunny skies of home and everything else that's good for her soul...God's got this!


  1. We're covered in ice here, too. Not fun. I'm so ready for winter to be over. Frozen gate latches, frozen truck doors, slippery underfoot, horrible roads -- uff! I couldn't even get the mail out of the mailbox! Give it a few days -- it's sposed to warm up!

  2. I couldn't help but smile at their picture. We got ride of the ice last week, now it's rain, rain and some more rain. City on both sides of the Ohio river has already had to put all flood gates up. Our creek is over flowing our road, so instead of looking both ways for traffic, we are watching for floating trees and dabrie(spelling?). Spell check would not help. 8-( Praying it will clear there up in time to get her moved and back in time for the defense of her thesis.

  3. Ugh! Weather has a way of getting in the way of our plans sometimes. Here? We had 75* on the thermometer and daffodils, forsythia, and cherry trees are all blooming!! Last week? It was freezing. Welcome to North Carolina's weather roller coaster!

  4. This has been a hard winter for most of Texas and probably New Mexico. Very few sunny days so I've added Vitamin D to our morning regimen. I imagine all of us are ready for spring and sunshine, flowers and warm rains. I hope her master thesis wow's them and she can at last get down to work on her main field of interest. It's been a long wait for all of you.

  5. Your daughter will do just fine. I have no doubt with you two as her parents! She comes from "good stock". We all can't wait for more blogs maybe some with some quilting in there too. I try not to let my husband see all the good cooking you do. I hate to spoil him at this stage of the game on that...trying to retire from the kitchen. Good luck to your daughter.

  6. We've had days of rain and gloom. I need one of those lights for some sunshine therapy. Hope all goes well with the move and the thesis and all that. Enjoy this quick, temporary delay. She looks happy on her horse as does her daddy!

  7. The waiting game is hard - but I would rather wait with momma and daddy than in a yuccky hotel ;-) Here's to happy travels and strong defense ( of her Thesis)

  8. We are experiencing some of the icy stuff too and lots of rain all the way to the Midwest. We desperately need the rain, but I'm not fond of day after day of clouds and drizzle. Sure hope things clear up so your daughter can get to defend her thesis on time and in a rested frame of mind. As you said, God has this.
