Thursday, April 5, 2018

Cooking, Cookies, Cattle, Chickens, and Chain Piecing

In other daily activities often include a lot of variety so this post is all over the place. :)

Yesterday started out cold for us (32°) and by 9 a.m. the wind had begun to blow. I made waffles

and eggs and bacon for 3 extras and dropped them off east of the house to gather the Corriente cattle we were sending off to Texas. It wasn't long before the truck arrived and they began bringing them up in small bunches to load:


When I got back to the house, I mixed up a batch of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

 and bagged them up for the trucker and for the crew:


Everything was loaded


 and they were done horseback for the day by 9:30 so I didn't have to fix dinner for them. I figured a handful of cookies would make the road trip a little sweeter.

Tuesday's sale was short...only 508 head and I was finished at 12:30. That meant lunch and a good visit with my co-worker and then we ran errands together until her truck was ready to pick up at the dealership. We stopped at the nursery where I could have dropped a lot of money, but I just picked up a few sage bushes and Lantana. I can't grow much out here. If it isn't the whipping winds, or the horrid heat. it's the cheeky chickens....chickens behaving badly:


My chickens roam freely and have access to more acreage than they could possibly want, yet, they choose to dig in my front bed. I can't call it a flower bed because any flowers I have ever planted there are quickly beheaded by the wind and now, apparently, the chickens will dig up what's left. I guess that's the price I pay with a good dog that does not chase chickens.

DH had to make a trip into town to meet a fella who was buying a couple of bulls yesterday afternoon so that left me with time to sew. Chain piecing makes me feel like I am accomplishing something but it also leaves me with a tall stack that needs pressing:


I've had  a layer cake I bought on Craftsy, I think, a few years ago. I was disappointed when it arrived as it only had 4 prints in it, but I was tired of having it lie around and figured I ought to make it into something and that something is of course a quilt...eventually.

Right now I'm off to throw some steaks on the grill and dig in the dirt...I'm taking advantage of the fact that there is no wind today!


  1. Those cookies look delicious! Can you share the recipe?

  2. Busy little bee, you are!! At least you got some sewing in there. We are going on a "ride" in our side by side through the mountains with about 10 other couples....we never know how many will show up...and I always take cookies. Usually Snickerdoodles or M&M chocolate chip, but peanut butter chocolate chip sounds good for a change. You are my inspiration. LOL!!!!! Chickens are notorious for scratching where they shouldn't!!!

  3. I loved having chickens. Once we were done with our fenced garden, we let them in to dig in the soft soil. I had them all named and we’d spoil them terrible. We would dig for worms in the wet earth after the snow melted, or buy them dry worms. Oh how we love chickens, mich more that any other pet. If they died we would bury them. We never ate them as they were pets and egg layers. Someday we will have them, when we stop traveling. Your fabrics look interesting. I look forward to seeing your quilt!! I don’t like the wind. There has been wind from California to Texas, even through New Mexico. We took I-40 this time. We will be here till after Mother’s Day then head to Utah. Glad you had some sewing time!!

  4. This post left my mouth watering. :)

  5. How come the Corriente's had to leave NM? Were they naughty?! HA Those waffles look yummy and I'm sure were enjoyed by all. The wind here drives me crazy so I can't imagine living out in the wide open where there's nothing to stop it.

  6. You had me at WAFFLES; okay, maybe at COOKIES, too! 😎 I know the goodies you sent with the trucker & the crew were loved. It never hurts to show appreciation to those who make life easier.

    Whoa! That's an impressive stack of chained units.

  7. "This program was brought to you by the letter C and the number 3" as in "you can only take 3 cookies, Cookie Monster." lol. That's a very tall chain piecing. Sorry for the chicken eating your flowers. ;^)

  8. Now I am hungry for waffles. It's been ages since I've had any and I love them. That is a giant stack of chain piecing parts. I know you will make it into something fun and beautiful.

  9. You get more done by noon than most people get done in an entire day! Glad you found some time to sew!
