Friday, May 4, 2018

This Ranch Wife is STILL in the kitchen

Day 5 of 6. I apologize for more kitchen chatter, but cooking for the crew is a full time job and the only time I venture from the kitchen is when I move the sprinkler, take out the trash, or tend to the chickens and chores out at the barn. My MIL phoned yesterday and asked me what's been going on. I told her that I didn't know. If it didn't happen in the kitchen or the chicken coop, I am clueless.

Breakfast is a blur when it takes place at 4:30 and you've been up since 3.

I'm pooped, but I do love a packed dining room table:

Honey Bun Cake was the star of the show on Thursday:

I've posted this before and this is an old photo - there wasn't any left to take a new one, but here's the link:

"Dang! That cake is dangerous!" and variations of that same sentiment flew around my kitchen and the dining room so I figured I'd share it again.

We're just weaning today so I've got a short crew of 6.  I just made waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit, and Pecan Pie Muffins for breakfast and Salisbury Steak, Twice Baked Potatoes, green beans, salad, and rolls for dinner. A new Buttermilk Pie recipe  from a fellow ranch wife was baked for dessert - thank you R! A couple of the guys asked if I minded sharing the Honey Bun Cake recipe this week. Of course I don't mind! I love sharing recipes and I appreciate when friends share theirs with me. My best recipes come from friends and family and if I'm ever considered a good cook, I'll always give them the credit.

Yesterday the boys didn't come in for dinner until 3:00. I served breakfast at 4:30. You can bet they were ready to fill those plates! The difference between a good meal and a great one is about 3 hours and they thought it was an exceptional meal. -Grin-

It's been a good week, but you can bet that when the last dish is washed and the last corner has been scoured, this kitchen will be closed for a day or two!

And I'll leave you with this little tidbit that caught my eye when I reached for the flour sack. Really?! There is a need for this?

I posted this on Instagram and a friend commented that he wondered what took place in order to warrant this. That makes two of us. -shaking head-


  1. unfortunately flour has been recalled due to ecoli contamination ... sad ...
    cook your heart and then take a couple of days and sew your heart out

  2. Even if I can't enjoy most of the recipes, I love your food posts. If I wasn't a quilt blogger, I would blog about food!! :)
    Love the saying about the difference between a good meal and a great one.
    Crazy that a bag of flour now needs a warning label about cooking first. I agree--what happened to warrant this?

  3. I counted 10 men around that table!! What a crowd!! I hope to try this Honey Bun cake soon....

  4. OK, that's weird..don't think I've ever seen that on any flour I ever bought. Never heard of e-coli contaminated flour. G

  5. Love the photo of the crowded table. Looks like another wonderful recipe - thanks for sharing it.

  6. There are a few recipes that use flour, and no cooking. Cookie dough dip comes to mind.

  7. Am always so happy when recipes are shared--they are the best. And it makes me sad because there are some cooks who do not share!

  8. That cake IS dangerous! That's one of my favorite recipes of yours. It's made a hit around here once or twice. Which also reminds me, I should make one again soon. But it's so dangerous! Haha!

  9. I was so happy to see the cowboys had removed their hats. Real cowboys always have good manners.
