Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Special Delivery

Not only did the good Lord choose a great guy as my partner in this life, but He also threw in some pretty cool in-laws. On Friday they stopped by and dropped off 3 quilt ladders that my FIL made

along with a box of mountain Jonathon apples:

So, I'm back in the kitchen peeling and chopping and slicing:

We'll soon be munching on dried apples - a favorite treat

Some will also find their way into the deep freeze for future apple pies and crisps and others will be cooked down for applesauce, but the first 2 were today's dessert. It's hard to beat a good bakes apple on a cool Fall day:

There were no words...only murmurs of delight and sighs of contentment. Hopefully I'll find some time in the sewing room this week. After all, those wonderful quilt ladders really ought to be filled!


  1. Looking forward to seeing your quilts on the ladders and my mouth is watering with the apple delights

  2. Wow--what great quilt ladders! You are one lucky gal.
    Jonathan apples are a favorite of many in my family, and the season is never long enough for them.
    That baked apple with ice cream looks amazing!

  3. It's nearly impossible to find Jonathan apples anymore in Wyoming. They've been replaced with Gala and more recently Honey Crisp. Both are good substitutes, but I miss Jonathons. The quilt ladders are fantastic - enjoy!

  4. Looks like a nice haul there Karin. Those apples are lovely, do your in-laws have some trees? I've been wanting apple pie all week... now seeing your dessert makes me want it even more :) Have a great day.

  5. I love your quilt ladders. And the family connection. Please show them loaded up with your quilts some day. The apples look delicious too. I guess it's fall! That last picture with ice cream and baked apple...yum!

  6. I absolute L♥ve those quilt ladders! Making some for my quilt is definately on my bucket list! L♥ve the use of dowels too! Clever, clever! And apples! They are gorgeous! I can smell them all the way to my house! They need to make a movie about your life!!!!

  7. Very nice quilt ladders.......Can't wait to see what is hung up on them.......

  8. Oh, those baked apples look good and the ice cream makes the photo perfect!! Love the quilt ladders....sweet father-in-law!! I'll be making apple butter next week. The fragrance will be so delightful!

  9. You hit the JACKPOT all around! WOOHOO!

  10. Oh yum! Dear hubby wants brownies once a week...I just got a bushel of apples to play with, so I will bake a pie soon.

  11. Do they need my address??? ha ha! LOVE those quilt ladders - how wonderful! enjoy the apples!

  12. I love everything about this post!
