Thursday, December 20, 2018

Chaos Free Zone Ahead

On Wednesday I went to the hospital for an outpatient procedure...nothing serious, but something my Doctor didn't see any sense in putting off. It is rare that DH or I find the need to spend time in a hospital and we are grateful daily for our health and never take it for granted. In fact, the anesthesiologist and nurses said they rarely see folks who don't take any medication or have any conditions or issues. I pray we can both keep it that way.

We were surprised when they handed us a buzzer that would go off when they were ready for us. And this screen was in the waiting room with the current status on patients for those in the waiting room.

 It reminded us of the ones at the airport, letting folks know what was happening behind the scenes.

Maybe that's the norm for every hospital, but we'd never seen it. We were impressed with the efficiency and kindness shown us throughout our visit. I convinced DH to run some errands and he replied, "I'll wait until they run you into the loading chute", LOL. Those of you who are ranch wives will understand the humor in his remark. I don't know if a day ever goes by that he doesn't have me laughing. He was back when I woke up and we were back at the ranch in time for him to make his feed run.

My nurse turned out to be a gal who is one of our dayworker's girlfriend so we had a good visit before they knocked me out.

I wore a pair of hand knitted socks sent to me by a generous blog reader a few years ago and every doctor and nurse that walked by commented on my beautiful, happy socks so thank you, Nancy...your socks were a hit. :)

All is well and I am leisurely enjoying the last few days leading up to Christmas. I'm doing some baking, finishing up a little wrapping, and working on a quilt binding today. The bedrooms are spruced up and ready for guests and the fridge is stocked. There's brisket, sweet potatoes, and corn on the cob for dinner today and plans for some reading, a walk, and a nap. I planned to have everything pulled together by this past Tuesday evening so I wouldn't feel rushed and I'm thinking I need to make this an annual goal because it's really a nice way to spend the week before Christmas. Hustle and bustle's not in my nature anyway. I like to be productive, but I don't do chaos and taking time to enjoy the sweet peace of the season is just what the doctor ordered. 😊

Gotta go tend to pecans in the oven...I'll be back tomorrow with the recipe...yum!


  1. Good to know that your procedure went well. When my sister had surgery a few years ago, the hospital had a similar system. We knew exactly where she was throughout the entire surgery. I love the loading chute comment - gotta love a rancher with a sense of humor! Thrilled to hear your socks were a hit with the hospital staff.

  2. When my DH had his first brain surgery, I watched that screen like a hawk the entire time. SO very stressful. Don't recall the screen for #2, 3 and 4. Sounds like you had a great stress-free procedure. Can't wait for the recipe.

  3. I hope you are ok after your test. Thank you for blogging. I haven't written before but I do so enjoy your blog. Merry Christmas!

  4. Glad you had good service at the hospital, hope you are ok now. Happy Christmas from England

  5. Glad things went smoothly for you at the hospital Karin. I hope your next few days can continue to be calm and easy. Are the kids both coming home for Christmas? I'll be getting an address to you later, for the school supplies. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  6. Until you were in the chute - Bwahh haa haa

    Heres to a speedy recovery and lots of relaxation!!

  7. Well, I am very glad to hear that you are doing well after your procedure. You were wise to get on top of things for the holiday before you were loaded into the chute. :) It is a good thing that you can now take it easy. Someday I hope to follow your example.
    Oh, those pecans look really yummy!

  8. That Cowboy comment -- too funny! But so expected! I hope you're enjoying Christmas with your family and taking it nice and easy.
