Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Good Reminder

I'm sharing something really special today. It's the best article I've read in a long time...maybe ever. The caveat is that our girl wrote it so I may be biased, but I'd like to think I read it from a completely impartial position and that I would have been just as moved...and convicted, had this not been penned by our precious girl. In today's filtered world of social media, it's refreshing to read something honest, and true, and good. She has always been wise beyond her years. And honestly, it spoke to me on such a personal level that I lost myself in the message and it was only after I had finished that I remembered who had written this. My wish is that you too will be blessed by her message.

I See God


  1. Oh wow! What she wrote! So insightful and deep. It is just what i needed to hear today! The way jesus speaks to us in such unexpected places.
    Thanks for sharing. Your momma buttons must be popping!

  2. Wonderful piece she wrote. I was feeling so blessed just reading it. Thanks for

  3. Words of comfort from a young woman who loves Jesus. Shouldn’t we be ready for his soon coming? Jesus is waiting to come back to this world. He sends disasters because the time is getting short, and he wants to wake us up. Do we? Do I want Jesus in my life? Thank you for the reminder! ❤️

  4. Wonderfully written from the heart! Thank you for sharing with us. I could read this over and over and still not be filled with it, so again, take another moment to read slowly and let it sink in.

  5. She expressed herself beautifully. It touched me!

  6. Wonderful, Karin! I think it takes a spiritually mature person to realize the ever-presence of our Heavenly Father, that He's always there no matter what. Thanks for sharing your daughter's post.

  7. Thank you for sharing your joy in your daughter's faith. A wonderful gift from the Father to a faithful mother.

  8. Those are some thought provoking words from such a young soul. A great reminder of how much He loves us!

  9. you raised her well. Very thought-provoking.

  10. So many things to think about. You have one wise young lady there. Thank her for these words.

  11. Wonderful. Her words just flow....and I needed to read that as we are saying goodbye to my sweet mother. My sisters and I are caring for her as she finishes her earthly life (glioblastoma) and prepares to pass on to her forever life.....rejoining dear family and friends who have gone before her. Thank you for sharing her post!
