Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A Little Leftover Pink and Brown Baby Quilt Finish

When I was a new quilter, I didn't have a clue about how to buy fabric. I was always afraid of running out. Now that makes me laugh. But when I found fabric I loved, I bought a lot. Find a collection I loved? On sale? Buy a yard of everything, plus one of those adorable things called jelly rolls. Made sense. Thus, after 10 years, I still have pieces of the original Bunny Hill line:

I have made this quilt:

And this one:


A boy version:

And another:


A few years ago, I pieced this one and only recently finished it:

I love the simplicity of hourglass quilts:

Jackie, once again added this perfect quilting:

I made it 40 x 45 in order to use that piece for the backing. I still love these fabrics.

They make such a sweet, soft baby quilt:

And the box still has fabric, but I have a goal to empty it. I am now more cognizant of how much I really ought to buy when something catches my eye.

However, I DO have a big bin of another line that I was smitten with when it came out years ago and I bought a yard of everything when it was $4.00/yard...and lots of yardage when I found some for $2.00/yd. And I still love it...even though I haven't used any of it yet. 😏


  1. Beautiful quilts--I can so relate to falling in love with fabric lines. Am working on my fabric stash and I have a long long way to go

  2. Such sweet baby quilts Karin! And LOL, better start using that other line. What line is it? I wished that I would of bought more of my favorite, although I do still have some pieces from it. I use it sparingly :)

  3. Oh my gosh...I love your fabric buying wisdom. Years ago when I started quilting, I would snap up the daily deals at MSQC. Usually a layer cake or jelly roll. Many of them have been sitting on a shelf. So when I come across a pattern I love using those, it's almost impossible now to find the coordinating fabric because they have been out of print. Sometimes I get lucky and come across some, but not after an intense search. I love all of your quilts. I recently finished making (okay...copying) your bee quilt you showed a while back. Using your same fabrics and pattern. I loved it so much I made another using one of those floral layer cakes I had purchased from MSQC years ago. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Yours is the first blog I go to in the morning. Well...after checking out the daily deal at MSQC! :)

  4. The quilts are adorable. Consider the bins of fabric as an investment.

  5. These fabrics have been made up into some adorable baby quilts. And it sounds like there may be more to come.
    My early quilting days were usually relying upon fabric from my Mom's stash or bundles from the clearance sales. I was definitely quilting on a shoestring while raising our kids. :)

  6. Wonderful quilts! You are sew busy and accomplished ... :) Pat
